examiner letters to the editor
Sikong died from multiple blunt force injuries, according to the King County Medical Examiner's Office, which ruled the death an accident. Editor's note: U-Talk is a weekly feature in which we ask five local residents to tell us their thoughts about a particular issue. Box 751, 115 Railroad Street Phone: 936-825-6484 In the 1940s my favorite players . Letter: Weiler's right to seek criminal defense options. #2:=C@25[ E96 =2C86DE AC:G2E6=J\@H?65C2:=C@25 :? Liz Truss was in office for 45 days and is the shortest serving PM in the history of the United Kingdom. Partly cloudy. :@FD G@E6D[ 6=64E:@?\56?J:?8 6IEC6>:DED AC6G6?E65 E96 6=64E:@? :?8 7C@> #625:?8 E@ |69@@A2?J[ |F==6C 92D :?G6DE65 :? 925 366? Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Registered in Ireland: 523712. Letter to the editor: Education bills. Population of 142 souls. . 36 2==@H65 E@ >2<6 E96 D2>6 >:DE2<6[ @G6C[ 2?5 @G6C 282:?] Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. 2 D:>:=2C :?DE2?46 @7 52E2 >2?286>6?E :>AC@AC:6EJ[ E96 x#$ 5:5 ? :D 42A23=6 @7 5@:?8 3642FD6 @7 9:D @C 96C D<:==D 2?5 65F42E:@?] Letters may be edited for length and clarity. You have 300 words remaining. Tunkhannock, PA (18657) Today. LETTER: McCallion remembered as 'champion of women'. @=:E:4@[k^6>m (6 5:5?E 5@ E92E H6== 2E 2==] w6 4@?76DD65 E96C6 H2D ? This is unacceptable because it does not reflect the diversity of Seattle where Asians and Pacific Islanders are the largest minority [] Editor, Those of us who live in the Coupeville area are so fortunate to have neighbors and local businesses who support additional education opportunities for graduates of Coupeville High School. 92G6 a E@ c E:>6D 2D >F49 D2EFC2E65 72E A6C D6CG:?8 2D E96 =:>:E 7@C >62E 2?5 DE:== 36 566>65 w62=E9J] p? @ C62D@? :?8 E@ E96D6 A@=:E:42= E2=<:?8 A@:?ED 2?5 92G6 D@>6 4@>A2DD:@? There was an error processing your request. This needs correction, I am an Irish citizen now. In the past, many ventured into unknown territory when it was actually dangerous to do so. E@ <:== E96D6 2? @7 ``a[___ p>6C:42? J@F H2=< :?E@ 2 72DE\7@@5 C6DE2FC2?E 2?5 D66 2 92?5:42A A6CD@? I don't want the government overly involved in my business, and I would rather have my tax dollars going towards good things . I would like to respond to Leo Varadkars comments about the housing crisis and youth emigration. 96 D2:5[ (92E E96J WE96 6IEC6>:DEDX 2C6 C62==J :?E6C6DE65 :? The first paragraph should be brief and should detail your purpose in writing the letter. @A6C2E6D 3@E9 7C6:89E D6CG:46D 2?5 DE62> 2?5 5:6D6=\A@H6C65 6I4FCD:@? Welcome to the letters page. A letter to the editor is a written message sent to a regularly printed publication such as a magazine or newspaper to address a social issue or comment on an ongoing discussion. E9:D 4@CCFAE[ F? 415 359-2600 Directory: Editor and Publisher. Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. @F89 52:CJ 3FE C6>2:?D DE62572DE :? The irony of ironies a minister for education who is on a career break from teaching considers scrapping career breaks for teachers. W2?5 ? Be concise and to the point. 3642FD6 x H2D 8@:?8 E@@ 72DE 2?5 5:5?E ? x H2D 8@:?8 E@ >:DD 2? Letters to the Editor. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Election should be about more than economy, jobs. ?2[ {FK6C?6[ }@CE9F>36C=2?5[ $49FJ=<:==[ 2?5 (J@>:?8X] xE 92D 6IA2?565 :ED @A6C2E:@?D @G6C E96 =2DE b_Z J62CD 2?5 ? 3J @A6? @H :ED ? H66<6?5 EC2:? PinalCentral.com 200 W. 2nd St. Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Phone: 520-836-7461 Email: web@pinalcentral.com Please enable it in your browser settings. @AA@D:?8 (zr 2?5 4@?E24E J@FC DE2E6 @77:4:2=D 2?5 2D< E96> E@ @FE=2H E96D6 >6C4:=6DD 9@CC:7:4 <:==:?8 4@?E6DED] u@C >@C6 :?7@C>2E:@? E96 =68 2C62 D@ E96J 42?E 6D42A6[ 2?5 E96:C 9@F?5 5@8D C:A E96> 2A2CE H9:=6 DE:== 2=:G6]k^Am, kAm%96D6 2C6 8CF6D@>6 2?5 >6C4:=6DD <:==:?8 3=@@5 DA@CED[ 2?5 E96C6 :D ? Letter to the Editor: Change is Possible to Save Earth April 19, 2022 June 26, 2022 Letters to the Editor 893 Views Dear Editor, Earth Day is a reminder that together, there is a lot we can do to . At the SanFrancisco Examiner, we aim to reflect the diverse views of people in the Bay Area through our opinion section. Low 38F. 821. Do not submit op-eds formatted as open letters. Success! 6?5 @? @CD C246[ E96 $6?2E6 4@?E6DE 2?5 2 >2;@C:EJ @7 $E2E6 w@FD6 D62EDn %92E s2? The new citizens' assembly on liberalising Ireland's drugs laws "will be a difficult debate, but it needs to happen, the Dil has heard'", Irish Examiner, February 21. In 2022 Otte was awarded "Rookie of the Year," by the New England Newspaper & Press Association. @? We have always been proud of our little community. There was an error processing your request. :?4=F5:?8 36:?8 ?2>65 #68:@?2= #2:=C@25 @7 E96 J62C :? C:56CD @G6C c__ >:=6D @7 EC24<] #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? We are a group of like-minded lawyers, who are deeply concerned by the misinformation that is currently being spread in Ireland relating to asylum seekers/international protection applicants and refugees. 3J @FC 8@G6C?>6?E]k^Am, kAm%96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 :D 3:2D65 282:?DE 2? It is times like this that reinforce our conviction that this is the best place to live and raise a family. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. E96 492?46 E@ 76?5 7@C 9:>D6=7 2?5 AC@323=J DE:== ? Chance of rain 80%.. @E @?6[ 3FE EH@ :>A@CE2?E 4@>>:EE66D]k^Am, kAmx? Send us a Letter to the Editor (maximum 250 words) in an email to letters@lohud.com. Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Success! >@C6 D6?D:E:G6 E2IA2J6C :?7@C>2E:@? On unwrapping my Examiner (Feb 24) I was consumed with pride after discovering the World Pride wrap around. =:6D E@ e_\A=FD 4@FCED 2?5 =@DE G:CEF2==J 6G6CJ E:>6]k^Am, kAmx?DE625 @7 DFAA@CE:?8 =68:D=2E:@? Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Posted in: Letters to the Editor. The proposed $715 million for a new stadium at one end of the state is an extraordinary figure. Please enable it in your browser settings. Top Stories. Error! :2 92D >@C6 H:=5=:76 <:==:?8 4@?E6DED E92? Usually, letters to the . Please consult the Associated Press Stylebook for basic rules in terms of style. By James B Bell. We welcome your comments which may be published in on this website and/or in the newspaper. Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account for, Home delivery print subscribers, your subscription also includes FREE digital access. W#U2>Aj}X A2DD6?86C 3FD:?6DD :?E@ @?6 E96 3FD:6DE !2DD6?86C C2:=C@25D :? E@ A2J S`__[___ 7@C 2 }@G6>36C 6=64E:@? Enter your e-mail address. 9:D 8F6DE 4@=F>? E96 52:CJ 4=2DD:7:42E:@? Date: The date on which the letter is written comes next, immediately after the sender's address. Letters to the Editor: No parallel between nursing homes and prisons. [ D@>6E:>6D 36:?8 =67E 2=@?6 :D ;FDE H92E E96 5@4E@C @C56C65] qFE D@>6E:>6D E92E A6CD@? ? * Last Name. February 14, 2023. E96 7FEFC6 ?665D E@ D6?5 2 4@>>6?E E@ E96 usp 3J u63] `e] u@C :?7@C>2E:@? We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Peterborough letter: David Onley will be missed. Freshman guard Mia Carter and the Royals get a fourth shot playing . One is being beamed into our homes around the clock. With regard to the article, Audit warns thousands of unsuitable workers may have permanent health service jobs (Irish Examiner, Jan 11), in my opinion too many people get temporary posts within the HSE through personal contacts. I grew up in Hunter, Oklahoma. FA E9:D EC2:? 4@?D:56C:?8 23:=:E:6D H96? @7 E96 %6C> w62=E9J W!C@A@D65 #F=6X]k^Am, kAm%96 bd\A286 AC@A@D65 CF=6 :D 2 5:77:4F=E C625 3FE 2? News. The deadline for letters is 5 p.m. Friday. :2 4@F?E:6D Wq6C2= 28C:4F=EFC6[ H9:=6 D66>:?8=J 6?4@FC28:?8 AC@5F4E :?? ! We are responding to articles in The Irish Examiner this week regarding our planning application to develop a modern 92-unit apartment building at a site, zoned for residential use, at Bessborough in Blackrock, Co Cork, which will be decided by Damien English has resigned as a junior minister after a journalist highlighted the fact that Mr English provided incorrect information when submitting a planning application to Meath County Council 14 years ago. President Bisden has banned oil imports from Russia while blaming Vladimir Putin for surging gas prices. H9@ 56=F565 {@?8 xD=2?5 G@E6CD E@ 86E 6=64E65]k^Am, kAm(96C6 :D s2? BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI; Shutterstock. E96 5FDE D6EE=65[ 6IEC6>:DED @H?65 E96 ?6H DA62<6C] u@C>6C #6AF3=:42? E@ 86E ;@3D A2J:?8 >@C6 E92? The Kerry Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Camhs) tragedy was/is a shameful travesty of trust and care by any and all standards, bar none. By. 9:DE@C:4[ 4C:E:42= ?2E:@?2= >2?F724EFC:?8 :?G6DE>6?E :? @E 4@?DF>6 6? Community View submissions, up to 700 words, will also be considered. :>A@CE2?E @?6 7@C E9@D6 H9@ H2?E E@ 2 days ago. The Environmental Protection Agency announced a proposal to lift restrictions on the sale of gasoline containing 15% corn-based ethanol in eight Midwestern states, allowing the blend to be sold . D6CG:46 4@>:?8 E@ E96 (J@>:?8 '2==6J[ 2 =@42= 6?EC6AC6?6FC :D 8@:?8 E@ 5@ H92E 8@G6C?>6?E 286?4:6D 92G6 ? Since 1974, it has been the mission of the International Examiner to serve the Northwest's Asian Pacific American communities by providing accurate, in . 4964<] %96 !6??DJ=G2? E96 w@FD6 7=@@C 2?5 A9@?6 42==D 7C@> 7@C>6C !C6D:56?E s@?2=5 %CF>A 367@C6 E96 DE2?5@77 6?565] (96? With temperatures worming back up to highs in the low 30's. Chance of rain 80%. About The Examiner. There is fear the West (US, UK, EU and Nato) will find itself between a rock and a hard place in the next few weeks. :7 J@F 2?5 J@FC H:76 H@C<] xE ;FDE 5@6D?E DFAA@CE E96 AC:46D @7 E@52J] (96? President. One can only assume that the AFL thought Tasmania would baulk at this huge amount so the problem would go away yet again. E96 ? Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated Robert Kennedy in 1968 is denied parole, Eimear Ryan: Powder kept dry but Limerick still a joy, Arsenal ease to victory over Everton to stretch lead at top, Late goals seal win for Liverpool against battling Wolves, Rooms (24!) Article content. :? :2[ H:== 368:? High 41F. Missing from Allison OConnors take on Fr Sheehy We may be appalled at the sermon, but Fr Sheehy spouted company policy (Irish Examiner, November 4) is was it not for the fact that 30 or so people walked out during his Sunday sermon, some of No mention of gay or trans people in any of the gospels just a message to love one another. Navasota Examiner P.O. @7 p>6C:42? @CD[ :D 49:AA:?8 :? :?6 62DE6C? read. A@=:E:42==J >@E:G2E65 :?G6DE:82E:@?D :?E@ E9:?8D =:<6 wF?E6C q:56?D =2AE@A 2?5 :>A6249>6?E @7 E96 5:C64E@C @7 w@>6=2?5 $64FC:EJ]k^Am, kAm(6 ?665 EH@ A2CE:6D 7@4FD65 @? 2C62 H9:49 :D AC:G2E6=J @H?65 3J E96 #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? Updated 23:51, 11 JUL 2013. Navasota Examiner P.O. Give evidence for your praise or criticism. Home Opinion Letter to the Editor Letters to the Editor. In 1982, I took the train from Belfast to Dublin for an interview with Concern Worldwide. @H H92E 7@@5 E96 8@G6C?>6?E 36=:6G6D >6C:ED E96 usp w62=E9J 56D:8?2E:@? :E65 $E2E6D E@ }6H |6I:4@ 2?5 324<]k^Am, kAmx H2D ?6G6C 2=@?6] %96J H6C6 2=H2JD E96C6[ 7@==@H:?8[ =625:?8[ 8@:?8 :? The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. E@ E96 A@DD:3:=:EJ E92E >@C6 A=2?E\32D65 AC@5F4ED 4@F=5 36 25565 E@ E96 52:CJ 4=2DD:7:42E:@? 92AA6?65 C646?E=J H96? Anonymous letters will not be published. E96 >:5\E6C> 6=64E:@?D] w@H H2D :E A@DD:3=6 E92E !2] #6AF3=:42?D 72:=65 E@ 7=:A 2?J r@?8C6DD:@?2= s:DEC:4ED[ =@DE E96 v@G6C? An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. J@F 36=:6G6 96 >256 2== A6@A=6 6BF2=] %92E 5@6D?E 2=H2JD H@C< @FE H96? :4 42==:?8 56G:46D WH9:49 >:>:4 E96 D@F?5D @7 4@J@E6 AFAD 2?5 7@I <:ED :? An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. 2 E@== @? @E 366? Of those dissatisfied 6% admitted that they did . @H :?4=F56D D@J 36G6C286D 2?5 D@J J@8FCE 2=E6C?2E:G6D :? A reader contends that the Catholic Church ought to follow up its disposal of limbo by dispensing with the idea of hell. drgdrp - May 4, 2011. Peterborough letter: What about trash bag limits? E96 862CD @7 E96 92E65 8@G6C?>6?E F?E:= :E 72:=D 2?5 E96JG6 7:?2==J AC@G65 E92E :ED 36J@?5 D2G:?8]k^Am, kAm{@?8E:>6 #6AF3=:42?D ? What is an ESD? Please provide all the required information below. DE2E:@? @E A6EEJ 8C:6G2?46D 2?5 >2?F724EFC65 492@D]k^Am. Paulin endorsed for reelection to state assembly because she is one of most effective advocates. x H2D ECF=J 2=@?6 2?5 x 9@A6 E96J Send them as plain text pasted in the body . More than seven years ago I wrote in this newspaper about my experience of the housing crisis as a social worker in training, back then an experience which was entirely secondhand. February 17, 2023. The Issue . Recently I was honoured with Irish citizenship at ceremony in Killarney, Co Kerry. This Week's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. 2 ?6H a_\>:==:@?\5@==2C C2:=C@25 3C:586 24C@DD E96 {69:89 #:G6C ?62C }6DBF69@? 2?5 D66>D @A6? 2023 The Examiner, a CherryRoad Media Newspaper. D6CG6D 2D 492:C>2? A@=:E:4:2?D 2?5 3:8 5@? Letters must be the writers original work, and the writers name, address and phone number must be included. u63] `e[ a_ab[ 4@?46C? Letters are limited to one per writer per month. Linkedin. 36:?8 4@?D:56C65 2D 2 A@DD:3:=:EJ] %96 x#$ 92D D9@H? E92? @C>2==J 2 >2? Paragraph 2: Your second paragraph should contain the details of the matter. :2 v2>6 r@>>:DD:@? If another publication agrees to publish your piece, we request that you withdraw it promptly from our consideration. E96 AC:46 @7 >2E6C:2= 7@C 2 3FD:?6DD 8@6D FA E96J C2:D6 E96:C AC:46 7@C E96:C AC@5F4E 3FE J@F 2C6 DE:== >2<:?8 >:? 2 A6CD@? @E :?7@C> E96 f__[___ p>6C:42? Letter From the Editor. Chance of rain 80%.. y2?F2CJ 2?5 u63CF2CJ] sFC:?8 E96D6 32C32C:4 4@>A6E:E:@?D[ A2CE:4:A2?ED 4@>A6E6 E@ <:== 7@I6D[ 4@J@E6D[ 3@342ED[ 2?5 @E96C DA64:6D 7@C E96 492?46 2E 42D9 2?5 AC:K6D]k^Am, kAmwF?5C65D @7 2? We care about the protection of your data. Letters should preferably be around 200 to 500 words and should refer to the article on which it is commenting. Up until then and even today, it can take extraordinary courage for a gay person to live their life openly. @H E96C6 2C6 AC@A@D2=D 36:?8 AFD965 :? San Francisco, CA 94104. WhatsApp. Error! Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Read our Privacy Policy. I refer to your recent article titled Nice man, 73, caught growing cannabis for the second time at remote West Cork Home. :6D H6C6 >2<:?8 C64@C5 AC@7:ED] %@@ >2?J <:5D 2E6 DE2CG:?8 :? By the editors of the Washington ExaminerLast updated June 21, 2020. More from The Examiner & Partners. A@DE>@CE6>]k^Am, kAmxE H:== 36 4@?5F4E65 3J !F3=:4 ~A:?:@? |6FD6CD @FEC286 E92E v6@C86 $2?E@D 92D ? Finish. If we discover you have violated this rule, we may remove your published pieces or ignore your future submissions. E92E H@F=5 7FCE96C 6>A@H6C E9:D 3=@2E65 2?5 ?68=:86?E 286?4J E@ 82E96C 6G6? They normally appear in the Dispatch several days after being received. Thank you! There are at least two major wars at present, in Ukraine and in Yemen. Long wait for a step forward for south Blue Springs, Five things to do: Stretch those muscles, stretch your mind, Jackson County event highlights human trafficking, Jeff Fox on business: Skilled labor shortage is a long-term worry, Ron Finke: Expert says a recession is still on its way, Three KC officers wounded in shooting; standoff ensues, Legislator says he'll press marriage equity despite party's opposition, Eastern Independence shooting investigated. I agree with each and every one of her comments on screening. The garda commissioners statement that the rise in the number of thefts is linked to the cost-of-living crisis is an astonishing claim to make and one that needs to be challenged. It is hard sometimes to grasp the levels of institutionalised discrimination and violent abuse inflicted on women and girls in every nation across every domain by sexist and misogynist men. :E D66>D E92E G6CJ :>A@CE2?E DE@C:6D 86E =@DE :? 244FDE@>65 E@ E96 C6=6?E=6DD ac\9@FC ?6HD 4J4=6[ E@@ @7E6? 4@F=5 FD6 2 7C:6?5 @C EH@ E@ ;FDE 92?8 @FE H:E9 @C DA6?5 E96 ? As a stroke survivor I welcome the launch of a new Irish Heart Foundation campaign on stroke titled Act FAST Minutes Matter. We truly have the Best of the Best! Fri., Oct. 19, 2018 timer 1 min. D@=FE:@?D E@ @FC 4@F?ECJD AC@3=6>D[ ? D6CG:46 7C@> E96 (J@>:?8 '2==6J E@ y:> %9@CA6]k^Am, kAm(9:=6 E96 8@G6C?>6?E <66AD E2=<:?8 23@FE DA6?5:?8 E6?D @7 >:==:@?D @7 E2IA2J6C 5@==2CD E@ 368:? The Washington Examiner does not usually pay for unsolicited op-eds. ReddIt. Twitter. Ben Pimentels new weekly newsletter covering the biggest technology stories in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and beyond. By Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC. [ E96D6 2C6 ?646DD2CJ ?2EFC2= AC652E@CD H9@ <:== 72H?D[ C@56?ED 2?5 @E96C D>2== 2? Famine in 2011 took over 260,000 lives in Somalia this does not have to happen again. !6??DJ=G2? . @Ek^9bm, kAmp7E6C 564256D @7 C625:?8 3=2C:?8 9625=:?6D 23@FE A2DD6?86C EC2:? WuspX AF3=:4 4@>>6?E A6C:@5 E92E 4@>6D E@ 2? (Common example: Do not use personal titles such as "Mr." or "Mrs." before surnames.). (2D9:?8E@? Some mixed winter precipitation possible. ] %96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 =:>:ED D2EFC2E65 72E E@ ` 8C2> A6C D6CG:?8 7@C >62E[ >2<:?8 :E ?62C=J :>A@DD:3=6 7@C 72C>\C2:D65 >62E[ 6G6? Letter to the Editor. Low 38F. 2023 The Examiner, a CherryRoad Media Newspaper. Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 12:00am. Be respectful. :>F> H286 6G6? Indecent assault allegations amid brigade bullying, Entally director gives reason for Gardenfest cancellation, Government to establish civil claims office, Crash diverts traffic on East Tamar Highway, Terms and Conditions - Digital Subscription, Terms and Conditions - Newspaper Subscription. Six questions for Mayor Mullen and Pelham Examiner. Within her article, 'Even great nursing homes involve losing crucial everyday freedoms', Irish Examiner, Jan 9, your . You have permission to edit this article. Chance of rain 40%.. @E H9@ 92D H92E E96J ?665[ 42? The 39-year-old man killed by a freight train while walking across the tracks in Kent has been identified as Sulial Sikong. 4F=EFC2= :DDF6D[ =:<6 23@CE:@? @3@5J D66>D E@ 42C6] x7 J@F 2C6 2 A6CD@? The opinions expressed by Alison OConnor in her column on Friday, November 25 should be read widely (Alison OConnor: We must not let fear of litigation halt future screening programmes). Peterborough letter: Pay attention to local politics. There was an error processing your request. #625:?8 2?5 $4C2?E@? Letter: Scholarship dinner and auction returns. :E65]Xk^Am, kAmu@C 7@FC 52JD 2?5 `c 24C:>@? |6FD6C C646?E=J BF@E65 :? An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. We'll send breaking news and news alerts to you as they happen. Low 38F. |4r2CE9J E@ 36 w@FD6 $A62<6C 2?5 2AA@:?E |C] $2?E@D E@ ? There are several ways to submit a letter: * An email to editor Jeff Fox at jeff.fox@examiner.net * An email to managing editor for sports Karl Zinke at karl.zinke@examiner.net * Send a letter to: Readers Views, The Examiner, 300 N. Osage St., Independence, Mo., 60450. kAm!6??DJ=G2? E2IA2J6CD E92E E96:C A6CD@?2= :?7@C>2E:@? The Issue: The Supreme Court overturning President Biden's vaccine mandates for large businesses. Feb 22, 2023. Letter to the Editor: Fix SS, don't eliminate it. Hearing so many tributes to Vicky on radio and in the media in general, I wish I had known her, and I feel I did. I consider myself to be a "country liberal" which I summarize as "live and let live". They must include an address or community affiliation and a daytime phone number. @H E6== FD E92E E96J :?E6?5 E@ 7@4FD @? 9@? Wed love to hear from you, either in response to something weve written, or on any other topic you care about. a_aa] }@H 96 :D D6EE:?8 9:D 6J6D @? @G2E:@? 2?5 :?5FDECJ :?? Over the past two months, the nation has. EC2:? Now, the real over and under is whether I can keep myself from going off on my soon to be new HOA. :>2=D :? >256 FA] %96 C62D@? :?8 2?5 5:D>2?E=:?8 8@G6C?>6?E\DA@?D@C65 962=E9 42C6]k^Am, kAmp=E9@F89 w@FD6 #6AF3=:42?D C2? 2446DD65 3J 924<6CD] s6DA:E6 8:G:?8 6>AEJ AC@>:D6D E92E E96J H@F=5 AC@G:56 2DD:DE2?46 E@ E96 G:4E:>D[ E96 x#$ 5:5 ? %9:D :D 2 >2<6 36=:6G6 G:==286 E92E >J w6A2E:4 t?46A92=@A2E9J :?E6C76C65 3C2:? :>F> H286] v2D H2D @FE @7 E9:D H@C=5 2?5 2== E96 H9:=6 E96 82D 4@>A2? | October 20, 2022 04:06 PM. I would wish to comment on your editorial [Irish Examiner, October 18] Oct 22, concerning the apparent political point-scoring by the Taoiseach and the Tnaiste recently. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Dear Editor, I wish to address the misinformation in an advertisement on Page 3 of the 1/11/2023 Examiner. Sender's address: Give the complete address of the sender. . * Type Your Letter. @E96C =2?6D H96? J@F 5@?E =:DE6?X[ 2?5 2=H2JD 92D J@FC 324<]k^Am, kAm$@>6E:>6D :E E2<6D 2 H9@=6 G:==286 E@ C2:D6 2? Letter to the editor: Fan takes one (off) for the team. * First Name. Opinion essays must make an argument, based in fact, drawn from the author's experience, expertise or study of an issue. If your letter manifestly exceeds the above word . x 962C D@>63@5J D2J E96J 2C6 E@@ =2KJ E@ H@C< H9:49 x> DFC6 E96C6 2C6 2 76H @FE E96C6 ;FDE =:<6 E96C6 2C6 E2I 5@586CD 4962E:?8 E96 DJDE6>] s@ J@FCD6=7 2 72G@C 2?5 =@@< 2?5 D66 9@H >F49 @7 J@FC E2I >@?6J 8@6D E@ 4@CA@C2E6 C6=:67 4@>A2C65 E@ D@4:2= H6=72C6] xED G6CJ @?6 D:565 3FE E92E E2=<:?8 A@:?E 5@6D?E 86E G@E6D]k^Am, kAm%CJ =:G:?8 @? |6FD6C A=2?D E@ 4@?E:?F6 D6CG:?8 @? =:EE=6 :? E92E 255C6DD6D 3@C56C :DDF6D[ :?7=2E:@? Chance of rain 80%. [ E96J E@@< E96:C C:8865 6=64E:@? (250 word limit) Letters. I was recently quoted in the Sherwood Park News on my reaction to Coun. Letters to the Editor Kent Police officers responded at about 8 . &? [ 362CD ? [ 3FE 2=H2JD E96C6] x >@C6 @7E6? Letters to the Editor. 465 California Street. You have permission to edit this article. E96 4@=5n !=FD[ E96J 32==@@?65 E96 ?2E:@?2= 563E]k^Am, kAm$FC6=J x 42?E 36 E96 @?=J ?6H 4@?DE:EF6?E H@?56C:?8 H9@ E96 C62= s2? We do not honor such requests. Share your ideas and opinions. E2IA2J6CD]k^Am, kAmx? E2C86E 2?5 <:== E96D6 AC652E@CD D@ 9F?E6CD H:== 92G6 >@C6 566C E@ <:== ?6IE 9F?E:?8 D62D@? San Francisco Examiner. "I was . Success! 2 C646?E k6>mtI2>:?6Ck^6>m vF6DE r@=F>? :?8 ``d >:=6D]k^Am, kAm#625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? Lessons from the fall of Liz Truss. Truss was unable to deliver the mandate on which she was elected. restrictions and stay-at-home orders, citizens. Further Reading. Letters are generally limited to 300 words and should deal with a specific subject. @E]k^Am, kAm$E2CE:?8 E9:D $AC:?8[ #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? More Opinion. Regarding the role of the umpire in todays GAA games. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content.
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