cook partisan voting index by district
) } border-bottom: 1px solid gray; [author_name] => } [paged] => 0 by Daniel P. Tokaji, Free & Fair with Franita and Foley if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; .leg-hnt-container { The One Group That Can Stop Elon Musk from Unbanning Trump on Twitter, Facebook and Twitter Could Let Trump Back Online. But Hes Still a Danger. height: 100%; Goddard Media LLC | Privacy Policy, Political Wire is a registered trademark of Goddard Media LLC. padding-bottom: 5px; "Now that all 50 states have finalized new lines for the 2022 elections, the Cook Political Report is pleased to introduce the 25th Anniversary edition of the Cook Partisan Voting Index (Cook . } ( padding-bottom: 7px; The results have been certified. [tag__not_in] => Array [14] On October 13, 2021, the House Redistricting Committee approved an amended version of the congressional map, and both chambers of the legislature approved a finalized version of the map on October 18, 2021. .results_row td { [query] => Array border-bottom: 1px solid grey; These lines are subject to veto by the governor. top: 2px; A Partisan Voting Index score of D+2, for example, means that in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, that district performed an average of two points more Democratic than the nation did as a whole, while an R+4 means the district performed four points more Republican than the national average. margin: 8px auto; background-color: #f9d334; The Cook Political Report introduced the post-2020 edition of the Partisan Voter Index for all 50 states and 435 congressional districts.. Here's how it works: "A Partisan Voter Index score of D+2, for example, means that in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, that district performed an average of two points more Democratic than the nation did as a whole, while an R+4 means the . background-color: grey; 7, 2022, North Carolina Republicans Ask SCOTUS To Decimate Voting Rights in Every State, Slate, Feb. 25, 2022, What Democrats Need From Mitch McConnell to Make an Election Reform Deal Worth It, Slate, Jan. 4, 2022, No One is Coming to Save Us from the Dagger at the Throat of America, N.Y. Times, Jan. 7, 2022, Nonprofit Law as a Tool to Kill What Remains of Campaign Finance Law: Reluctant Lessons from Ellen Aprill, 46Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review (forthcoming 2023) (festschrift symposium honoring Ellen Aprill), draft available,, Election Reform: Past, Present, and Future in Oxford Handbook of American Election Law (Eugene Mazo, ed., forthcoming 2023), draft available:, Identifying and Minimizing the Risk of Election Subversion and Stolen Elections in the Contemporary United States, 135 Harvard Law Review Forum 265 (2022), Research Note: Record Election Litigation Rates in the 2020 Election: An Aberration or a Sign of Things to Come?, Election Law Journal, (2022), Optimism and Despair About a 2020 Election Meltdown and Beyond, 100 Boston University Law Review Online 298 (2020) (part of symposium on my book, Election Meltdown), Three Pathologies of American Voting Rights Illuminated by the COVID-19 Pandemic, and How to Treat and Cure Them,Election Law Journal (2020), The Democracy Index: Why Our Election System Is Failing and How to Fix Itby Heather K. Gerken, Social Media and Democracy (Cambridge Press, 2020) by Nathaniel Persily and Joshua A. Tucker, The Law of Democracy: Legal Structure of the Political Process, 6th ed. } The letter (either a D for Democratic or an R for Republican) reflects the major party toward which the district (or state) leans. padding-bottom: 3px; [tb] => And after redistricting, the median House seat (Michigan's 8th CD) retains a modest skew of R+1, virtually unchanged from the old map. overflow-y: hidden; color: #0645ad; } ( [menu_order] => [name] => partisan-voter-index-definition Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. width: 100%; .leg-hnt-flex-column { font-weight: 500; Incumbent Eddie Bernice Johnson defeated Tre Pennie and Eric Williams in the general election for U.S. House Texas District 30 on November 3, 2020. } width: 275px; [4], 2008 Now that all 50 states have finalized new lines for the 2022 elections, the Cook Political Report is pleased to introduce the 25th Anniversary edition of the Cook Partisan Voting Index (Cook PVI) for all 50 states and 435 congressional districts, reflecting new post-redistricting boundaries. display: none; Beginning with this decade, we're making a slight formula change to how we calculate PVI scores: instead of using a 50/50 mix of the two most recent presidential elections to assess partisanship as we've done in the past, we're switching to a 75/25 weighting in favor of the more recent presidential election. [minute] => .infobox caption { document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content63ffdc0a3871f').classList.add('leg-hnt-hide'); Greg Abbott (R) signed the map into law on October 25, 2021. color: #f0a236; [relation] => .percentage_number { 48 Florida State University Law Review 61 (2021), Spencer Overton, Power to Regulate Social Media Companies to Prevent Voter Suppression. padding-left: 0; margin-top: 1em; } { Modeled after the Cook Partisan Voting Index, the Hybrid Partisan Voting Index (hPVI) was developed for Wilkerson Public Affairs by Braedon Wilkerson in 2014. [tax_query] => NO. ) font-size: small; ) padding-left: 8px; } color:white; .votebox { [monthnum] => 0 max-height: 580px; left: 0; The Cook PVI tracks the partisan ratings of all 435 congressional districts and all 50 states. On November 8, 1994, Eddie Bernice Johnson won re-election to the United States House. The number of "hyper-competitive" seats (R+3 to D+3) fell from 51 to 45, our lowest count ever, but far from a total collapse. .results_row { The number reflects the strength of that partisan preference in rounded percentage points. column-gap: 1em; Calculating presidential results by district following elections and redistricting involves some judgment calls, and although this dataset reflects POLIDATAs best efforts, in rare cases raw vote data are subject to revision upon further post-election review. The Cook Political Report introduced the Partisan Voting Index as an objective measurement to better gauge the competitiveness of each district and state using presidential elections as a baseline. line-height: 1.5em; event.srcElement.innerText = '[show]'; [no_found_rows] => The Cook PVI tracks the partisan ratings of all 435 congressional districts and all 50 states. [3], 2010 .leg-hnt-toggle-text { The PVIs for states are calculated based on the results of the U.S. presidential elections in 2016 and 2020. Heading into the election, Ballotpedia rated this race as safely Democratic. On November 5, 2002, Eddie Bernice Johnson won re-election to the United States House. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles. display: flex; [pagename] => 9, 2022, How Supreme Court Radicalism Could Threaten Democracy Itself, Slate, Mar. If you are using a content blocker, check to see that you have not globally turned off Javascript. ( .leg-hnt-flex-item { } .votebox_legend { [attachment] => padding-bottom: 5px; [23], FiveThirtyEight's September 2018 elasticity score for states and congressional districts measured "how sensitive it is to changes in the national political environment." [update_post_meta_cache] => 1 box-sizing: border-box; [post_author] => 1 display: table; 100% remote. [author__in] => Array .non_result_row th { { color: #6db24f; justify-content: center; Competitive congressional districts have been steadily disappearing for decades. column-count: auto; width: 150px; Apply today! [subpost_id] => [name] => partisan-voter-index-definition This meant that in those two presidential elections, this district's results were 27 percentage points more Democratic than the national average. In addition, organizations are working to build relationships with new candidates in districts considered Toss Ups by PVI ratings, 2023 Quorum Analytics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r resources [7], 2002 [resource-type] => public-affairs-dictionary [category_name] => Engage advocates and drive targeted actions with grassroots advocacy software. CNN . margin-bottom: .75em; } flex-wrap: wrap; For the 2022 dataset, that means that the 2020 result in each state district is weighted three times as heavily as the 2016 result. [3], PVIs are calculated by comparing the lead candidate's average share of the two-party presidential vote in the past two presidential elections to the party's national average two-party share for those elections. Texas' 30th Congressional District election, 2022, Texas' 30th Congressional District election, 2020, Click here to read our new election calling policy and vote total update schedule, Texas' 30th Congressional District election, 2018, Texas' 30th Congressional District election, 2016, Texas' 30th Congressional District elections, 2014, Texas' 30th Congressional District elections, 2012, Redistricting in Texas after the 2020 census, Redistricting in Texas after the 2010 census, The Cook Political Report's Partisan Voter Index,, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Save contact information, engage, and report on interactions all in one place. background-color: #334aab; GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. Incumbent Eddie Bernice Johnson defeated Shawn Jones in the general election for U.S. House Texas District 30 on November 6, 2018. } ( text-align: left; margin-right: 10px; The Cook Partisan Voting Index score for the old district was R+2, while the score for the new district is D+1. } In 2022, it was updated to weigh the most recent presidential election more heavily than the prior election. text-align: center Copyright 2023 by Cook Political Report. [cache_results] => 1 position: relative; * Includes an independent senator who caucuses with the Democrats. flex-direction: column; .infobox td { This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 22:36. if (document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content63ffdc0a3871f').classList.contains('leg-hnt-hide')) { Incumbent Eddie Bernice Johnson (D) defeated Charles Lingerfelt (R), Jarrett Woods (L), and Thom Prentice (G) in the general election on November 8, 2016. Our full 2022 Cook PVI report is available for subscribers. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { Raise more funds and disburse more strategically with the PAC solution used by more organizations to file with the FEC than any other software. A district or state that "performed within half a point of the national average in either direction" is designated as "Even". font-size: 90%; University of Wisconsin Law SchoolView posts , Vice Dean for Faculty max-width: 600px; box-sizing: border-box; Source1Source2. } .leg-hnt-district-container { For more than two decades, the PVI has helped map the trends of our countrys shifting political landscape, allowing organizations to contextualize the policy work they are doing with the politics of a legislators district. The number reflects the strength of that partisan preference in rounded percentage points. display: flex; font-weight: 200; Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. The Cook Partisan Voting Index, abbreviated Cook PVI, CPVI, or PVI, is a measurement of how strongly a United States congressional district or U.S. state leans toward the Democratic or Republican Party, compared to the nation as a whole, based on how that district or state voted in the previous two presidential elections. The Cook Political Report first introduced the PVI in August 1997 to better gauge the competitiveness of each district using the 1992 and 1996 presidential elections as a baseline. [embed] => .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { break-inside: avoid-column; WP_Query Object Todos los derechos reservados. The first Black woman and first lesbian to lead the city, the former . There were no incumbents in this race. .leg-infobox-block { [post_name__in] => Array [meta_table] => These results are automatically generated from Google. Franita Tolson and Edward Foley. [meta_id_column] => UCLA School of Law St. Johns Legal Studies Research Paper No. For more than two decades, the PVI has helped map the trends of our country's shifting political landscape. A swing district, according to Cook, is defined by a PVI rating ranging from D+5 to R+5. display: block; [ID] => 1487 } The PVIs for states are calculated based on the results of the U.S. presidential elections in 2016 and 2020. vertical-align: middle; With the PVI ratings and the 2020 elections on the horizon, legislators in 29 states have introduced over 100 bills calling for changes to their states redistricting process or for the creation of an independent redistricting commission. With a Cook Partisan Voting Index (CPVI) rating of D+3, it is one of Connecticut's least Democratic districts. } width: 100%; .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { Calculations are rounded to the nearest whole percent within .5 a percentage point. Active subscribers can request the 2022 Cook PVI in spreadsheet format here. [nopaging] => Bruce E. Cain, Wendy K. Tam Cho, Yan Y. Liu&Emily R. Zhang,A Reasonable Bias Approach to Gerrymandering: Using Automated Plan Generation to Evaluate Redistricting Proposals, 59 Wm. Why Are Republicans Going After Wokeness Instead of Going After Biden? The Cook Partisan Voting Index measures how strongly a United States congressional district or state leans towards the Democrat or Republican Party at the presidential level compared to the nation as a whole. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { justify-content: center; } .votebox-results-metadata-p { } How Supreme Court Radicalism Could Threaten Democracy Itself, How to Keep the Rising Tide of Fake News from Drowning Our Democracy, North Carolina Republicans Ask SCOTUS To Decimate Voting Rights in Every State, What Democrats Need From Mitch McConnell to Make an Election Reform Deal Worth It, No One is Coming to Save Us from the Dagger at the Throat of America,,,, Identifying and Minimizing the Risk of Election Subversion and Stolen Elections in the Contemporary United States,, Optimism and Despair About a 2020 Election Meltdown and Beyond, Three Pathologies of American Voting Rights Illuminated by the COVID-19 Pandemic, and How to Treat and Cure Them, Networking the Party: First Amendment Rights & the Pursuit of Responsive Party Government, A Reasonable Bias Approach to Gerrymandering: Using Automated Plan Generation to Evaluate Redistricting Proposals, Requiring Majority Winners for Congressional Elections: Harnessing Federalism to Combat Extremism, Failed Elections and the Legislative Selection of Electors, Power to Regulate Social Media Companies to Prevent Voter Suppression. background-color: #6db24f; [meta_value] => .leg-hnt-border-top { The Cook Partisan Voter Index, first published in 1997, rates the degree to which a congressional district leans Republican or Democrat by comparing the district's voting history in presidential elections to the nation as a whole. Now that all 50 states have finalized new lines for the 2022 elections, the Cook Political Report is pleased to introduce the 25th Anniversary edition of the Cook Partisan Voting Index (Cook PVI) for all 50 states and 435 congressional districts, reflecting new post-redistricting boundaries. Below is our 2022 Cook Partisan Voting Index (Cook PVI) score for all 435 districts. This tool reflects the political balance of power in North Carolina. On November 7, 2000, Eddie Bernice Johnson won re-election to the United States House. That partially reverses a rare spike in competitive seats from the 2020 election. Puede cambiar la configuracin u obtener ms informacin pinchando en el siguiente enlace colin kaepernick contact informationcoogan's bluff filming locations, LEGAL INNOVATION | Tu Agente Digitalizador, LEGAL GOV | Gestin Avanzada Sector Pblico, Sesiones Formativas Formacin Digital Personalizada, LEXPIRE | Calculadora de Plazos Procesales, Potassium Permanganate And Iron Sulfate Equation. flex-direction: row; If a district performed within half a point of the national average in either direction, we assign it a score of EVEN. ( ) background-color: #ccc; color: #888; text-align: left !important; .votebox-scroll-container { .leg-hnt-responsive-columns { [18][19][20], Heading into the 2022 elections, based on results from the 2020 and 2016 presidential elections, the Cook Partisan Voter Index for this district was D+27. color: #888; display: flex; padding:7px 8px 8px; } text-align: center; ( height: 22px; The 30th Congressional District of Texas held an election for the U.S. House of Representatives on November 4, 2014. On November 4, 2008, Eddie Bernice Johnson won re-election to the United States House. [1][2], The index is updated after each presidential election cycle, as well as after congressional redistricting. The Cook Partisan Voter Index, first published in 1997, rates the degree to which a congressional district leans Republican or Democrat by comparing the district's voting history in presidential elections to the nation as a whole. clear: both; padding-right: 2px; Ohio State Legal Studies Research Paper No. The median Senate seat (a tie between Georgia and North Carolina) has a Cook PVI score of R+3 three points to the right of the nation. [16] This map took effect for Texas' 2022 congressional elections. All Rights Reserved. width: 90%; Source. [post__not_in] => Array L. Rev. display: none; top: -9999px; The following candidates ran in the Republican primary for U.S. House Texas District 30 on March 1, 2022. .votebox_legend .non_result_row { Jasmine Crockett defeated James Rodgers, Zachariah Manning, Phil Gray, and Debbie Walker in the general election for U.S. House Texas District 30 on November 8, 2022. display: block; The release of the 2017 PVI ratings reveal powerful insights into the post-Trump electorate. The Cook Partisan Voting Index, abbreviated Cook PVI, CPVI, or PVI, is a measurement of how strongly a United States congressional district or U.S. state leans toward the Democratic or Republican Party, compared to the nation as a whole, based on how that district or state voted in the previous two presidential elections. } display: flex; if("undefined"==typeof window.datawrapper)window.datawrapper={};window.datawrapper["DFSft"]={},window.datawrapper["DFSft"].embedDeltas={"100":464,"200":421,"300":400,"400":400,"500":400,"700":400,"800":400,"900":400,"1000":400},window.datawrapper["DFSft"].iframe=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-DFSft"),window.datawrapper["DFSft"]["DFSft"].embedDeltas[Math.min(1e3,Math.max(100*Math.floor(window.datawrapper["DFSft"].iframe.offsetWidth/100),100))]+"px",window.addEventListener("message",function(a){if("undefined"!=typeof["datawrapper-height"])for(var b in["datawrapper-height"])if("DFSft"==b)window.datawrapper["DFSft"]["datawrapper-height"][b]+"px"}); Cook's 2017 PVI report included the following congressional district statistics following the 2016 election cycle:[6][14], Cook's 2013 PVI report included the following congressional district statistics following the 2012 election cycle:[4]. The Cook Partisan Voting Index, abbreviated Cook PVI, CPVI, or PVI, is a measurement of how strongly a United States congressional district or U.S. state leans toward the Democratic or Republican Party, compared to the nation as a whole, based on how that district or state voted in the previous two presidential elections. ( [tag_slug__and] => Array .votebox-scroll-container { [resource-type] => public-affairs-dictionary } font-size: 20px; .leg-hnt-leadership { Phil Gray advanced from the Libertarian convention for U.S. House Texas District 30 on March 19, 2022. * Includes an independent senator who caucuses with the Democrats. [p] => 0 [meta_query] => WP_Meta_Query Object .race_header.libertarian { She defeated Carrie Kelleher (R) and Barbara Robinson (L) in the general election. width: 350px; How does redistricting in Texas work? font-weight: bold; She defeated Travis Johnson (R) and Ed Rankin (L) in the general election. } [tag_id] => The link below will take you to maps of polling places and precincts for each of suburban Cook County's thirty townships. font-size: 12px; } letter-spacing: 0.03em; [4], The PVIs for congressional districts are calculated based on the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. } } else { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0px; ) document.getElementById('leg-hnt-toggle63ffdc0a3871f').addEventListener('click', event => { A Partisan Voting Index (Cook PVI) score of D+2, for example, means that in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, the state or district performed about two points more Democratic in terms of two-party vote share than the nation did as a whole, while a score of R+4 means the state or district performed about four points more Republican. "[1][2][3], The data in the report is compiled by POLIDATA, a political data analysis company, with assistance from National Journal and The Cook Political Report. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. [posts_per_page] => 10 ( ) The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Cook Political Report Partisan Voter Index. background-color: #003388; In the vast majority of states and districts, this formula adjustment won't change the PVI score at all. letter-spacing: 0.03em; Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. The most Democratic-leaning state to have a Republican senator is Maine (D+2 PVI), represented by Susan Collins. width: 60%; letter-spacing: .03em; } To calculate new 2022 Cook PVI scores for all 435 newly drawn districts, we've used 2016 and 2020 election results by district publicly available via Dave's Redistricting App, a free online mapping tool originally developed by Dave Bradlee that allows any user to draw and evaluate district boundaries. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { She defeated John Davis (L) in the general election. The number of swing seats, defined as those between D+5 and R+5, is 82.[4]. border: 1px solid #aaa; Texas ' 2022 congressional elections embed ] = > Array border-bottom: 1px solid grey ; These lines subject! The prior election. score for all 435 districts help ensure that every voter unbiased... Active subscribers can request the 2022 Cook PVI report is available for.... Recent presidential election more heavily than the prior election. letter-spacing: 0.03em ; Interns wanted: Get paid help. Have a Republican senator is Maine ( D+2 PVI ), represented by Susan Collins work in real-time [ ]... 100 % ; Goddard Media LLC Legal Studies Research Paper No Johnson ( )! R+5, is 82. [ 4 ] your public affairs work real-time... Prior election. 2020 election. query ] = > UCLA School of Law St. Johns Studies. Seats, defined as those between D+5 and R+5, is 82. [ 4 ] on.: 0.03em ; Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information,... And report on interactions all in one place Political Wire is a registered trademark Goddard! Off Javascript interactions all in one place competitive seats from the 2020 election.: 100 % Goddard... Privacy Policy, Political Wire is a registered trademark of Goddard Media LLC affairs work in real-time D+5 and,. 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November 5, 2002, Eddie Bernice Johnson won re-election to the United States.!
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