It is a top choice for sports and recreational turf for these reasons. Before you take your pick, you should know what both of them have to offer and what youre getting into. ERVING sAINT jOHNS, cLAY, DUVAL, NASSAU, BAKER, PUTNUM COUNTIES, and Surrounding areas. Are you one of the many bermudagrass enthusiasts? You can find Celebration in professional and college sports venues, golf courses and house lawns in the southern United States and across the world. Bimini will quickly establish a dense root system. Do you love your home landscape as much as we do? And the best part is they retain color very well. Oftentimes, homeowners arent sure of how to begin the process withchoosing the right type of sod. This is a new high-quality Bermuda variety that grows dense and low and has an attractive green color. Pros: Very shade tolerant, but still requires 3-4 hours of intermittent sunlight Specifically selected for its superior drought and wear tolerance compared to other bermudagrass varieties. How Do I Fix Bare or Brown Spots in My Lawn? Some of the bermuda grasses listed below are the most popular and best performing ones available. Some say Tiftuf is a lighter green than Tifway 419 but it holds color longer and greens up faster. The yard is full sun so they should both do fine there Im just concerned about the dog pee and them tearing up the yard running. CT-2 is a Bermuda grass which is the most aggressive grass producing more lateral growth and more stolons than other hybrids. Recuperates fairly well and much better than other Zoysias. Due to its drought tolerance, TifTuf is replacing Tifway (419) as the new standard turfgrass in residential and commercial landscapes as well as other high use areas like parks and sports fields. Q: What is the real difference between TifTuf and 419 bermuda? Tifway 419 is the most widely used Hybrid Bermudagrass used in the South for Golf and Sports fields. Yes, Tifway goes into dormancy when the temperature drops below a certain point. [How to Use It]. Cons: With both Empire and Zorro mow every 7 days; Empire is more forgiving as it is a softer grass. They can take a lot of foot traffic, but Tiftuf tends to green up faster, while Tifway 419 is hardier for large areas such as golf courses. Tifway 419 Bermuda is the most widely used turfgrass and has been an industry standard for residential and commercial lawns, athletic fields and golf courses for over 50 years. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I heard a rumor that @Ware would replace his 419 with TifTuf/Grand if given the opportunity. Be sure to take a look at a study comparing NorthBridges shade tolerance with other bermuda grasses below. The rest, of course, is your personal preference. Wide grass blade On the TIFTUF RELEASE url, the PDF talks about cutting frequency and turf quality under primo. Educating yourself on the different options available will benefit you during the selection process. Sod Solutions has partnered with Mississippi State University in the Celebration X program with the primary focus of improving Celebration Bermudagrass. It grows quickly and easily. Requires little irrigation once roots have been . Learn how your comment data is processed. If so, please leave a comment and let me know. You can find TifTuf in the lower two-thirds of the United States. Bimini is one of the most durable turfgrasses available due to its rapidly spreading growth habit and quick recovery from injury. HeyRalph is here! Mow at 0.5-2 inches of height. The bermuda grasses listed above are some of the best varieties available to the homeowner. Tifway 419 is a dark green Bermuda grass with a fine texture and high weed and disease resistance. Both variants have their strong suites and benefits to offer. This Bermudagrass has a bluish green color, a soft texture, a dense turf that competes against weeds, good drought tolerance, and is the one Bermuda that has been shown to be more tolerant to shade vs other Cultivars. Drought tolerance and drought resistance are two different things, though. Tifdwarf was released in 1965 for warm season putting greens replacing 328 Tifgreen and has been a standard for 40 years. TifTuf Bermuda on the other hand actually seeks out shade. Our seasonal Homeowner Maintenance Guides compile all the care information for your specific grass type during the spring, summer and fall. Specifications Stays above the problem with thick, heavy surface stolens Click hereto read more. Tifway is no less either, theyve held their positions for having high drought tolerance for a long time now. The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of grass struggles. . Performs better in shade than TifTuf or Latitude 36. However, Common Bermuda has a higher nutritional value, making it ideal for livestock feed. My neighbor has Tifway and planted some Tiftuf sod around a tree ring and there's a noticeable difference. Also, TifTuf doesn't seem to behave quite the same as some of the others when dosed with Primo. Tifway 419 has a medium-low, vigorous growth habit that takes hold quickly after planting. Greens up earlier and is more winter hardy. NorthBridge has a fine texture, increased cold tolerance, early spring green-up, and high sod strength. I was thinking of sprigging some Tiftuf into weak areas of my Tifway 419 that are partially shaded by my fence and house. link to Blackstone 1554 Vs. 1866 Griddle: Which One Is Better For You? link to Thompson Creek Vs. Pella Windows: Which One To Pick? . As a top-qualityNTEP bermuda grass, Latitude 36 offers high traffic tolerance, excellent tensile strength and has a finer texture than NorthBridge Bermudagrass. According to their study, primo doesn't do much to control growth and (if I'm reading the chart correctly) doesn't help quality for any of the Bermuda grasses. Along with these two superior characteristics, some of Tahoma 31s other key features include its finer texture, drought resistance, early spring green-up and wear tolerance. SERVING sAINT jOHNS, cLAY, DUVAL, NASSAU, BAKER, PUTNUM COUNTIES, and Surrounding areas. uses 38% less water than Tifway and is more drought tolerant than Celebration, Latitude36, TifGrand and all other tested bermuda grasses. TifTuf Bermuda grass was created with the goal of being drought tolerant. Sure, it doesnt have the darkest green shade but it is pretty dark. My sod farm close to me has each on either side of the main entrance, which was very evident during transition. While Tifway 419 Bermuda grass has been at the top of the list for sports turf, it is also an excellent choice for a well-loved lawn. Bermuda (Celebration): Tifway has extraordinary durability combined with a dark green, medium fine texture. ), Disadvantages of Mulching Grass (Best Way to Mulch), Insect Resistance: Excellent Disease Excellent resistance. TifTuf is more aggressive than 419 (which is more aggressive than TifGrand). Use grass plugs to test a grasss shade tolerance or to determine how well a certain grass type performs in your home landscape. JavaScript is disabled. NorthBridge is a finer-bladed bermuda grass like Latitude 36 and has Latitude 36s color. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Perennial ryegrass is dark green, does excellent in full sun, tolerates high traffic well, is stress and pest tolerant, and germinates quickly. Copyright 2023 King Ranch | Website by, Choose the store or farm location nearest to you to check availability and price. Tifway II bermuda has the shortest winter dormancy of all hybrid bermudas, staying green longer into the fall and greening up earlier in the spring. There are over 50 different varieties of Bermuda grass, whichare divided into two types: seeded Bermuda grass and sterile vegetative hybrids. Latitude 36 Bermudagrassis popular for its beautiful color and texture that make it stand out from other home lawns and bermuda grasses alike. (Best Time to Aerate ), Spike VS Plug Aerator (Which is Best for You? Despite having no hydraulic lift, power brakes, or power take off, that little orange tractor was able to meet our gardening needs until my Mom sold it 2010. Zorro Zoysia: Best Feature: Considered the Cadillacof warm season grasses as it provides that sought after, manicured, golf course look with proper mowing. TifTuf Bermuda is the newest "Tif" release from the world-renowned University of Georgia breeding program. Our product line of Lawnifi grass seed features fertilizer coated seed designed to promote root growth and successful establishment at planting. TifTuf also has greater cold tolerance. Recuperates from damage slowly Tifway 419 TifTuf Bermudagrass. Tifway 419 is a deep green bermuda grass with a fine texture and excellent weed and disease resistance. So you wont have to groom them every 3-4 days to keep the color even. Here are the comparisons. It supposedly requires >30% less water so it's more drought tolerant. Bimini is an improved hybrid Bermuda that forms a fine-textured, dense turf with a dark green color and upright leaf growth Bimini is one of the most durable turfs available and is developed specifically for golf courses, sports fields, and other high traffic commercial areas. That was before TifTuf Bermuda came along though. Cold resistance is not always the best in these seeded varieties, but they are frequently developed with an enhanced aspect, giving you the best Bermuda seed quality than the regular ones. I'm waiting to hear back from one or two more quotes. TifTuf Bermuda grass is pretty much the best sod choice youll get right now. Shoot Density: 335 (dm-2), Intended Use: Commercial, Golf, Residential, Sport. Color is an important factor especially when it comes to turf grasses. Common Bermuda grass is a longstanding favorite, known for its adaptability to varying climates, weather . In this blog post, I'll try to show you the comparison of the best brand Thompson Creek Vs. Pella Windows: Which One To Pick? Can achieve that fine, manicured look especially with Zorro Tifway 419 has a medium-low, vigorous growth habit that establishes quickly upon planting. Grass Type: Bermuda Tiftuf+419 Lawn Size: 14500 Mower: Toro GM 1600+Swardman 2.1. In a 2013-2014 test it has shown over 90% survival rate at a low temperature of -6. Produces the least amount of seed heads compared to Celebration and TifTuf. The quote for the Tif-Tuf is only $100 more than the 419 quote. TifTuf Bermuda sod is the game-changing drought tolerant lawn if you want to save water, save money, and have a durable place for your kids and dogs to play. Cons: With both Empire and Zorro mow every 7 days; Empire is more forgiving as it is a softer grass. 830-580-1410. With three different top-performing bermudagrasses, Celebration, Latitude 36 andTifTuf, comes a lot of questions about how they compare to one another. I think I'll pull the trigger on the Tif-Tuf in the next day or so. Sod Solutions works with private breeders and university researchers across the globe to find and bring to market the best grasses with the best genetics on the planet. Our seasonal Homeowner Maintenance Guides compile all the care information for your specific grass type during the spring, summer and fall. Adaptability. Latitude 36 Bermuda grass is well-known for its striking color and texture, which set it apart from other home lawns and Bermuda grasses. Latitude 36 vs. TifTuf Bermudagrass. Thanks. Find the right grass for your location and needs with our Sod Selector tool. Centipede (Certified Tifblair): As always, when using a chemical, be sure to read and follow all guidelines on the product label. Read more on the Sod Solutions Professionals website inan interview with Mississippi States Turfgrass Breeder, Dr. Hongxu Dong. This type of Bermuda is a nuisance to most lawn owners who care about appearance. In comparison to zoysia or St. Augustine grass, the homeowner who chooses bermuda sod usually has priorities centered around visual appeal without worrying about the amount of maintenance that will need to go into it. But the problem is they need to stay short. Check out a few of Latitude 36s supporting research documents below. TifTuf, like most Bermuda grasses, thrives in the southern two-thirds of the United States. It's dense, rapid spreading, fine-bladed growth habit makes it quickly able to recover from injury, making it one of the most durable bermudagrass choices. It has a lovely dark green color and a dense canopy. Drought tolerance is the ability of the Bermuda grass Celebration to survive a drought, whereas drought resistance is its ability to look good while suffering from drought. I would love to replace my 419 with an alternative. I used to run a small plumbing business near 875 Dawson DriveLouisville, KY 40202, and now I spend most of my time writing about my experiences. Temps are still 80'F in central Texas. Not as susceptible to diseases relative to the other turf grasses Will creep into flower beds, curbs and sidewalks, Damages readily from Ground Pearls, Mole Crickets, Cons: Susceptible to Chinch Bugs and Brown Patch. These grass varieties can be found in a lawn and garden store near you. Most salt tolerant of all I'm confident this is going to come across fan-boy like. Tifway 419 Order Now! Does not tolerate shade, Bermuda (Tifsport): TifTuf grows into a lighter green while Tifway turns into one of the darkest green grass shades. This is why it has been the top choice for turfs where you need the greenest green. Tifway 419 on the other hand is slacking slightly in this department. Traffic Tolerance COMPARISONS DROUGHT TRIALS 5.9 4.2 5.9 3.9 3.5 TifTuf Tifway . Unbeatable drought tolerance. Celebration Bermudagrassis typically a favorite for most homeowners due to its deep blue-green color and to the fact that it finished best in numerous university research studies for wear tolerance and recovery, drought resistance, drought tolerance and bermuda grass shade tolerance. Developed more than 50 years ago, TifWay 419 continues to perform reliably in residential lawns, commercial properties and golf courses. It establishes quickly at planting with a vigorous growth habit. Matrella is a breed of zoysia grass that has very fine grass blades. If your lawn is facing a problem and you arent sure whats causing it, check out some of our recommended blogs here. TifTuf Bermuda is pretty much the strongest grass variant now. Golf pitches, baseball courts- most of the sports venues prefer the darker shade so Tifway 419 has been pretty much the traditional choice. Is it me or does TifTuf just seem like Tifway 419 3.0? It has an excellent track history in North Texas. This turfgrass was developed by the renowned Oklahoma State University and is one of the most cold-hardy Bermuda grasses available. Tifway 419. Does not spread laterally like the other turf grasses Youll quickly realize that once you get into gardening or pitch keeping. Latitude 36 offers high traffic tolerance and exceptional visual appeal and can be found in sports fields, golf courses and home lawns. Backyard Tifway 419 - Frontyard Empire Zoysia - Panama City, Florida. If you still arent really sure of what kind of grass youre looking for and want to weigh all of your options, the best thing you can do is familiarize yourself with the different grasses available. MANAGING AND RECOVERING FROM CHINCH BUG DAMAGE, We are now Harvesting Palmetto Saint Augustine Sod. A: After World War II, my mother bought a 1948 Allis Chalmers Model G tractor, which she allowed my father to borrow on occasion. 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