Elon is known for bold purchases and wise investments, and Twitter shares surged about 27% right after the purchase. Some features of this game use JavaScript. There is a wide variety of items you can buy with your centibillionaire fortune. The next two attempts the company made to send the Falcon 1 into Earths orbit failed, nearly bankrupting the company and its eccentric founder. Take a break from your work and enjoy buying various items in this spend money app. We may have financial relationships with some of the companies mentioned on this website. Twitters beef with Musk is hurting shareholders and a court case wont solve that. Make sure you have some later too. The problem is that in the 10 years from 2006 to 2016, the company failed to produce a profit. Ever wondered what you would do with, lets say, $100 billion? Tesla recently said it generated about $24.32 billion in fourth-quarter revenue, marking a 37% increase from the same . You can buy as many of each item as you want. You can buy a Big Mac, a pair of flip flops, and other daily use items or you can simply buy a cruise ship, a Boeing 747, and so forth. Called Spend Elon Musk's Fortune, the website offers a pool of about $217 billion that a regular can burn on items like the AirPods Pro, PlayStation 5, a full-spec Mac Pro, the entire Steam. See how much you end up spending, and which super rich celebrity your spending habits are most like. Bill Gates says he isn't interested in traveling to Mars and would prefer to spend his money helping people on Earth. $4. +3.19% However, Elon Musks wealth is growing rapidly again due to the recent gain in Tesla stock up by 60% in the last few months. Even though he wasn't a founding member of Tesla, he was among those who led an early round of financing the company back in 2004. In 2016, Musk owned about 22% of SolarCity and sat on its board of directors. Unfortunately, my furious clicking only soaked up $9.7 billion of Musks reserves, leaving him $156.3 billion to spend onbuilding martian cities and implanting computer chips in our brains. Smith is a well-known economics commentator, but his bit of a rant struck a chord with many on Twitter, including its CEO, Elon Musk. Joe Biden's tweet that has incensed Tesla fans. Spend Elon Musk's Fortune. But Smith argues that Californias environmental review law will act as a last line of defense for those that oppose the development of affordable, or even just more, housing. Sell Buy Flip Flops. +0.21% The best alternatives to Neal.fun are The History of Everything , What Happened Today in History and Spacetime. The automaker is a publicly traded company with a more than $755 billion valuation. The World's richest man, Elon Musk will have approximately $217,000,000,000 in his bank account if he cashes out everything. See also: What is ChatGPT? TSLA, Tesla founder Elon Musk has regained his title as the world's richest person. Spotify Yearly 130 $ Sell 0 Buy. Elon Musk says he is willing to spend $6 billion to fight world hunger on one condition Elon Musk says he is willing to spend $6 billion to fight world hunger on one condition Nicolas. Fun idea, poorly executed. Money makes the world go round. By this time, Musk only owned about 7% of the company, but the sale put about $21.49 million in his pocket. Maybe Bill Gates isnt bling enough for you, so whos next? Elon Musk attacks the US press after Scott Adams' firing: Maybe they can try not being racist, Bill Gates' strange visit to restaurant in Spain: He ordered a soda and left, Johnny Depp and his surprising confession: His life before becoming an actor. This is absolutely central to Elon Musk's attitude to business. To put into perspective, that wealth equals about 80 Donald Trumps (reported net worth ~$3 billion), or about twice as much as Bill Gates (net worth ~$113.3 billion). Smith also argues that NIMBYs hold up transmission lines, which affects Americas ability to build renewable energy. .cart-heading,.in-bank{background-color:#2a78bd}.mp_cart{min-height:200px;font:17px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}@media only screen and (min-width:601px){.mp_cart{min-height:500px}}.mp_cart #cart_clear{margin-left:.1em;width:auto;padding:10px 10px 8px;float:left}.mp_cart button,.mp_cart input[type=button],.mp_cart input[type=submit]{border-radius:5px;-webkit-appearance:none;font-size:15px;line-height:normal;text-shadow:none}.mp_cart a.remove_btn,.mp_cart a.remove_btn:visited{color:#d60202;border:0;padding:2px 10px;font-size:.9em}.mp_cart #btnEmpty{padding:1px 5px;font-size:17px;font-weight:400;text-decoration:underline}.mp_cart .addtocart_btn,.mp_cart .incart_btn{text-transform:uppercase;font-size:14px;padding:.7em 10%;margin:1em auto;max-width:150px;border:0;text-align:center}.mp_cart .incart_btn,.mp_cart .incart_btn:hover{background-color:#ccc;color:#666}.mp_cart 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He is one of the few centibillionaires in the world men or women whose net worth is greater than $100bn. Similar situations, Smith writes, should be expected to unfold all over the country but especially in California because of the states push to build more affordable housing. Sell Buy Book. Terms & Conditions. $12. SpaceX is still a private company, so its difficult to get an accurate reading of what Musks shares in the firm are worth. Neuralink is a private company, so determining how much it contributes to Musks net worth is difficult. {{product.name}} ${{product.price | showMoney}} Sell Buy. When hes not writing, helping up and comers in the freelance industry, and making his own investments and wise financial decisions, Joshua enjoys spending time with his wife, son, daughter, and eight large breed dogs. It is an entertainment-based game made by Elon Musk. As for semiconductors, despite plans to build a plant in Arizona, the U.S. cant seem to build much, Smith says, because its running into major cost issues. Norwegian expects to post an adjusted loss of 45 cents a share in the first quarter, wider than analysts' expectations. OpenAIs ChatGPT surpassed one million users just days after it launched, the company said, and it now has 100 million monthly active users. But have you ever wondered how Elon Musk does spend his money? Hes also famously outspoken and active on Twitter, where he has more than 100 million followers. All the while, housing just isnt being built across the country, he writes. And what would you spend it on? Fewer than 2,000 work there now. Elon Musk founded The Boring Company to solve a relatively boring problem traffic. This has been reported by Bloomberg. Offers may be subject to change without notice. In 2023, Musk was recognized by Guinness World Records for breaking the world record for the most money lost in history, but it was a short-lived loss that he has managed to recover in a short space of time. Fighting the AI demon. Some features of this game use JavaScript. However, he had other plans. Elon Musk is buying Twitter for $44bn (34.6bn) after weeks of speculation. You can follow him on Twitter @WestonBlasi. You can reach him at, OnePlus Smartphone Cooler Will Keep Your Phone Cool By 20 Degrees, Solved: iPhone Unavailable on Lock Screen, Taking A Break From FuboTV? According to the New York Times,another 200 employees were let go at the social-media company, accounting for roughly 10% of the total staff. ($("#cart_clear").show(),$("#cart_link").show()):($("#cart_clear").hide(),$("#cart_link").hide())}})}function is_number(e,t,a){var n=t.id.substring(4),r="add_"+n,c="added_"+n,i=(e=e||window.event).which?e.which:e.keyCode;if("none"==document.getElementById(c).style.display&&13===event.keyCode&&(event.preventDefault(),document.getElementById(r).click()),i>31&&(i<48||i>57))return!1;if(a.length>=5){var o=a.substring(0,4);return t.value=o,!1}return!0}function num_commas(e){return e.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(? To start, Smith gave the example of the University of California at Berkeleys plan to build student housing. The app also has an option to sell the purchased items, but with Bill Gates fortune, who doesnt want a second NBA team or 50 F1 cars? At one point in an interview with the BBC, which will air in full on. The two companies merged in 2000 and changed the name of the combined company to PayPal. Donate to Charity $200,000,000 Tour of Maasai Mara $1,500 Gold Bullion Bar $58,000 Barbie Doll $30 Bentley $202,500 Military Tank $8,000,000 Helicopter $8,595,000 In 2016, Tesla acquired the struggling solar energy company for $2.6 billion. Players are given 12 items they can spend the money on. The perfect spend money simulator game is ready for you now! A new web app lets you have Bill Gates money and spend it on a variety of items. Thomas is a writer at TNW. Could you spend Elon Musk's money if you had it? He covers the full spectrum of European tech, with a particular focus on deeptech, startups, and government polic So what does the world's wealthiest person spend his money on -- and what Are you looking for an addictive spending money game? Sell Buy Lobster Dinner. Several experts from SpaceX and Tesla have been assigned to work on a transportation technology Musk calls the Hyperloop. Sell Buy Coca-Cola Pack. We spend money now, he wrote, but that hasnt equated to more things getting built. Today, a lot of business students would probably pay serious money for Elon Musk's opinion of their work. Assigned to work on a variety of items wise investments, and which super rich celebrity your spending habits most. Ready for you now you ever wondered how Elon Musk founded the Boring company to solve a Boring. ) after weeks of speculation smith also argues that NIMBYs hold up transmission lines, which affects Americas ability build. Tesla have been assigned to work on a transportation technology Musk calls the Hyperloop History of Everything, what Today. Bill Gates isnt bling enough for you now can spend the money on spend... Adjusted loss of 45 cents a share in the firm are worth just isnt being built across the country he! And wise investments, and Twitter shares surged about 27 % right after the.... Billion in fourth-quarter revenue, marking a 37 % increase from the.! 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