microsoft unified support proactive credits

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Specific reactive support products, case trends, sub-trends, and service insight classifications are mapped to specific proactive services within the rules engine. This collaborative filtering method predicts consumption interests of a single Services Hub user by collecting consumption interests from other Services Hub users. %PDF-1.6 % WebAdd-on Hours PREMIER SUPPORT SERVICE Add-on hours Price Support Account Management (SAM) $257.00 Support Assistance hours (SA) $262.00 Problem Resolution Support (PRS) hours $249.00 Designated Support Engineer (DSE) hours $294.00 Application Development Manager (ADM) hours $287.00 US National Support PRS hour $277.00 US stream The Reactive Support Case method is driven based on the support requests that are submitted to Microsoft. Barry Briggs and Mary Jo Foley discuss Microsoft's many clouds and how they may eventually come together. 8 0 obj endobj Find out how. Iqxf4W_j| P_$ Learn governing this trial and Microsoft Privacy Statement. Microsoft Unified Support - Built-in Proactive Services List. Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement 25 ea Proactive Credits Proactive Credits . Your company doesnt allow team members to sign up with their work email. Flex The second recommendation service is our Reactive Support Case model based on reactive support information. Our problemresolution support in addition to proactive, preventative care means your Microsoft Dynamics 365, Azure, and Microsoft 365 environments stay working 24/7365. Critical Sev 1: 15-min for Azure/1-hour for all other products, *Available through Flex Allowance or for purchase as add-ons. Accelerate the value of your business-critical solutions by eliminating deployment risks, increasing availability, and optimizing performance throughout your solution lifecycle. You must be a registered user to add a comment. Some preview features may be enabled by default. 626 0 obj <>stream Click here Capture emerging opportunities by using data as a strategic asset and shifting from hindsight to foresight with expert-led services for Migrate and Modernize your Data Estate and Analytics. The collaborative filter is driven based on proactive services consumed. Cant access your account? Get advice to proactively manage IThealth and maximize uptime with acomprehensive response plan. WebWhat are the most widely utilized proactive services available? To address this scenario, the collaborative filter recommendation service has little direct information to base recommendation on. Microsoft Support Services are a non-refundable prepaid service. The Government of South Australia enhances security and drives resiliency with support from Microsoft Unified. qQ:\@wGX'Voc@lD)|i[:O7-OBi\?u3a0y9"5g^S7'OeXxTL2L2bx p Youll need to buy proactive support credits for any MSFT engineer-led engagement. Get coverage for your entire organization so you can work more holistically with Microsoft, Rates start at 8-10%, which is well within the range of typical software and cloud vendors, Pay a lower rate for your growing needs as your cloud investment grows with graduated pricing, No additional charges for license and cloud purchases made during the term of your contract. 4f-@ZI6pK00b.0 tg) <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The recommendations are represented in the visual below and are powered by the Reactive Support recommendation service. endobj Protect your data, devices, and passwords, so you can focus on growing your business confidently with expert-led services for Zero Trust, Protect & Govern Sensitive Data, and Security & Compliance. Source: If you have any questions about any of these services or deliveries, please feel free to reach out to your TAM or myself and we can get you in touch with the right resources to discuss the benefits of these services. UK Department for Education is confidently moving to the Cloud with Microsoft Unified. Microsoft Teams Calling Plans, Phone System, and Audio Conferencing are supported with a monthly service credit up to 100%. Create a support ticket in the PowerPlatform admin center. Update research digest for December 2022. For Critical Business System Down issues, resource assigned after 15- minutes for Azure, or 1-hour for all other products, For Critical Business System Degraded issues, resource assigned after 1- hour for all products, On-demand assessments with as-needed setup and configuration services, Billing support provided by the Azure Support team (included in the free support), Assigned Customer Success Account Manager, Advisory Phone Support (limited to six hours or less per incident), On-demand videos, hands-on labs, learning paths, and expert-led webcasts, Expert-led, solution-specific engagements designed to help customers onboard and optimize their key solutions with services for Well-Architected, Server Migration, Security, Microsoft Teams, Power Apps, Analytics, and more, Relationship-driven, in-depth support experiences, including Azure Event Management, Azure Rapid Response, Designated Support Engineering, Developer Support, Office 365 Engineering Direct, Support for Mission Critical, Previous 12-months of cloud services purchases, Previous 12-months of license-only purchases, Previous 12-months of Software Assurance purchases. 586 0 obj <> endobj hbbd```b`` A$D "$"^`5```>0,f,y 2H2^ "%]LL74'30x` [ As new users are onboarded into the Services Hub, proactive consumption will be at a minimum. The benefits Microsoft has been touting include unlimited proactive support, compared to the support assistance hours that need to be purchased, as well as a more robust support program overall. We are unable to deliver your trial. WebMicrosoft Unified | Microsoft Accelerate your digital journey with support Get an experience that affords you the peace of mind knowing your Microsoft products are supported, so you The Services Catalog is constantly evolving as new material is created, existing material is edited, and stale material is archived by the Services content team. These recommendations include all content types and are personalized for the customer. Play the video When new support requests are submitted, case-based recommendations will be made directly against the support request. Vendor coordination. The Rules Engine will return relevant proactive recommendations based on the case trending information for the new Services Hub customer. endobj [;b\~=]Ef/O4 Use intelligent applications to deliver operational excellence and create more engaging customer experiences with expert-led services for Power Platform, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, and Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. Microsoft Unified Support - Built-in Proactive Services List. When sufficient consumption is recorded, the collaborative filter will make personalized content-based recommendations that are more directly related to user preferences and needs. Unified Enterprise is designed to help you get the most from your Microsoft investment. The digital banking pioneer partners with Microsoft Unified to streamline and personalize solutions for their customers. WebMicrosoft Unified Enterprise details Accelerate the value of your business-critical solutions with a personalized, proactive approach to help drive the outcomes you need most. Support Services may be included as part of your validly licensed Microsoft product or purchased (e.g. Please enter a work account for the best trial experience. 1 0 obj and 4 0 obj Microsoft Unified support model includes unlimited reactive support hours. WebMicrosoft Services Hub: The Digital Arm of Unified Support - YouTube The world of work is changing, and customers need support that is always on. endstream endobj 587 0 obj <>/Metadata 22 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[608 0 R]>>/Outlines 33 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 584 0 R/StructTreeRoot 42 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 588 0 obj <>/Font<>/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Trans 625 0 R/Type/Page>> endobj 589 0 obj <>stream No account? If you've already registered, sign in. 10 0 obj On the Learning landing page, Predictive Proactive recommendations are included below the heading and are represented in the diagram below. For specific requests and content updates regarding the Services Hub, contact our Support Team to submit a case. Start with a professionally designed template and customize it however you need, Create a branded site with custom colors, fonts, and logos, Create sections and add components such as images, videos, forms, and more, Connect your forms, data grids, and more to your Microsoft Dataverse. endstream endobj 1321 0 obj <>stream The recommendation service measures the similarity between individual support requests and proactive offerings. To continue with "{{emailaddress}}", please follow these The Premier Support multi-year product support program, which offers services on a metered basis, Chart explains changes to Unified Support pricing starting in Feb. 2023. %PDF-1.7 Proactive recommendations empowers you to consume the recommended service without having to search for the material and includes Microsoft led services, on-demand education, and on-demand assessments offered through Services Hub. User interactions, reactive support cases, and content consumption generating feedback are fed back into the engine to improve your recommendations. Advisory Support Proactive Engagements (Workshops, Proactive Credits, DSEs) Contact Lists On Demand Education New customer export capability added Oct 2022 By aligning to how you purchase and use technology, we can better match your needs, today and tomorrow. Microsoft 365 Message Center Planner Syncing . 3 For most countries, business hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM during week days (weekends and holidays excluded). Microsoft pitched Unified Support like it was a no-brainer to make the transition considering these benefits. WebProactive services Proactive services help prevent issues in your Microsoft environment and will be scheduled to help ensure resource availability and delivery during the term of the Microsoft Customer Support Service connects you with support agents for help with a suite of Microsoft support-related tasks (Support Services). WebMicrosoft Enterprise Support is a comprehensive enterprise support set of services that helps reduce costs, enhance productivity, and use technology to realize new business WebProduct-specific reactive and proactive support. Manufacturer on target for rapid growth with tech support from Microsoft Unified. If you are Microsoft Services, Premier/Unified Support Customer and interested in implementing this solution, please talk to your Customer Success Account Manager, formerly known as Technical Account Manager (TAM) to get more information about it. Below is a PDF list of built-in Proactive Services we provide for various technologies with links to find out The more content is consumed, the more diverse and precise the resulting recommendations will be. 5 0 obj WebEmail, phone, or Skype. 1.3. Emil Hovgaard: Digital Transformation Lead, EY, Outi Anttila: Head of Core Services, Orion, Angie Paylor: Infrastructure Operations Lead, UK Department for Education, Simon Oliver: Director of Digital Transformation, Bristol City Council, Will Luker: Chief Information Security Officer of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. As shown in the diagram below, personalized recommendations flow from the Predictive Proactive recommendation engine through the Services Hub digital experiences directly to youthe customer. Rates are graduated, so if a customer has $6M in annual Azure spend, it would be calculated as 10% of the first $1.8M and 7% of the next $4.2M ($1.8M-6M). Your P is comprised of: The minimum contract price is $50,000. See how Microsoft Unified brings benefits and cost savings to customers around the world, validated by a commissioned study by Forrester Research. Increase the impact and business value of your enterprises most important solutions by driving solution health and performance with technology-specific, in-depth engagements. <> endobj The recommendations found on the Assessments page are focused on assessment content types and are personalized for you. WebMicrosoft Unified Support includes a set of Proactive and Reactive support services priced based on overall licensing and cloud spending with Microsoft: Enterprise Agreement, CSP WebUnified Enterprise Support Services Description . <> 9 0 obj Read in-depth articles on PowerPages features, from getting started to advanced techniques, Visit the PowerPages community to get answers and tips directly from other users, If you have an idea that will improve PowerPages, wed love to hear from you. Proactive support. WebMicrosoft Unified Support goes beyond reactive support to ensure your technology solutions provide the business value you expect. Access risk assessment and training resources in select markets. Sharing best practices for building any app with .NET. Empower your team with convenient, self-service tools and training tailored to your needs and resources to proactively maintain your IT Health. WebAccelerate the value of your business-critical solutions with proactive engagements that help you eliminate deployment risks, increase availability, and optimize performance. The underlying assumption of the collaborative filtering approach is that if a person has the same interests as a second person for proactive content, the first person is more likely to share the second person's consumption interests for a new piece of content. WebMicrosoft Premier Support Premier Support for Enterprise Premier Support is only available for Public Sector customers. With minimal proactive consumption information to use, the less the coll Rules are authored and edited using the Rules Hub digital experience within the Services Hub. Get translation when you and a vendor speak different languages. ]DQT6! 0_{Ttqt)M We'll send you an email at when it's ready. With minimal proactive consumption information to use, the less the collaborative filter has available to base recommendations. We understand how important Microsoft Teams is to your organization, and were committed to quality and continuity through support and financial backing. In this Webinar, Rob Sanfilippo explains Microsoft's strategy for combining Azure with other vendor's clouds. Complex relationships between users and content will become clearer as proactive consumption grows. Best practices and the latest news on Microsoft FastTrack, The employee experience platform to help people thrive at work, Expand your Azure partner-to-partner network, Bringing IT Pros together through In-Person & Virtual events. DOM's complimentary monthly Alerts highlight important changes in Microsoft products and licensing policies. endobj The Rules Engine is driven by how reactive support cases are classified for case trends, sub-trends, and service insight values. In this situation, popular assessment, learning on demand, and workshop content is served up to these new users. Contact your local Microsoft Account Representative to get started. Proactive advisory services, faster response times, and escalation management for business-critical incidents. Expert-led, solution-specific engagements designed to help you onboard and optimize key solutions with services for Microsoft Teams, Analytics, Server Migration, Security, and more. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 16 0 R 22 0 R 24 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 28 0 R 33 0 R 38 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 49 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 10 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> Bridge language gaps. Microsoft Unified ensures uninterrupted and flawless operations are in place for Pegasus Airlines and its passengers. We delivered. Illustration shows current Microsoft support offerings. <> Partner with a team of Microsoft experts who know you to co-design, configure, and implement solutions. These recommendations include all content types and are personalized for the customer. Unify people, process, and technology to innovate at scale and bring better products to customers faster with expert-led services for Cloud Native, Modernize Enterprise Applications and Enable and Accelerate Developer Productivity. 1320 0 obj <>stream The recommendations served within these experiences are tailored for the context of the specific digital experience and personalized for you. On the Services Hub home page, Services Hub On-Demand Assessment content recommendations tailored for you can be found in the IT Health tile while your learning-on-demand and workshop recommendations live in the Learning tile. Enter your email to start your free trial. WebSupport Services. ,vZW"FyYS@5*UD 2ae#+KoVAe1F;="FB:$xAL>Ku21mbFqhd3t| &19V)ZrH1$rtuCGkI+sW6#Wv@3XV We apply a rate to your historical annual IT spend by product class, called Product Spend (P). Experience the freedom and flexibility to customize your Unified package according to your business priorities. The items listed in the table above represent the services that Customer has pre-purchased for use during the term of this Work Order, and applicable fees are shown in the table below. endstream xMk@9JLvvg l`hmWv &30sa` By signing up, you agree to the endstream endobj startxref We manage support escalations with select vendors to solve technical issues. Please try again later. The following Proactive Accelerators are designed specifically to help you maximize the impact of your Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity solutions. 0 6 0 obj As other Services Hub user consumption grows, recommendations will improve as well. Premier Support is no longer available for most new or renewing customers. to set up a new trial account instead. Buy now. endstream endobj 1322 0 obj <>stream On the Assessments page, Predictive Proactive recommendations are included below the assessment summary and are represented in the diagram below. These recommendations are personalized for you. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. There are several distinct aspects of the Predictive Proactive recommendation engine. As reactive support cases are trended either by incident managers or through the ML driven automated process, proactive services are recommended accordingly. There are three levels Core, Advanced, Performance which have a minimum contract size of $25,000, $50,000, and $175,000. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. ) The recommendations are represented in the visual below and are powered by the Rules Engine service. hMo0 This consumption indicates the user preferences. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Serve action and IP based recommendations specific to user and customer content (license footprint, reactive support cases, workshops, and assessments), Recommendations should be inclusive of the Services Catalog and MS Learn, Deliver personalized and context relevant recommendations within Services Hub, Recommendations are rendered in real-time with no performance impact on the overall digital experience. <> We're already working on setting up your trial. Predictive Proactive recommendations are included below the Services Hub Services Catalog search feature and are represented in the diagram below. WebInsights enterprise support services are a Microsoft Unified Support alternative for organizations that want top-tier support and expertise alongside cost savings. 7 0 obj Webabout Support solutions from Microsoft, contact your Microsoft representative or visit the Unified Support website Prioritized access to GitHub support and engineering teams with the fastest response times Designated resource that knows your environment and delivers technical support, proactive services and account management services With the collaborative filtering method, the Reactive Support Case method, and Rules Engine, users can influence the recommendations that they are served within the Services Hub. stream You asked for personalized proactive support recommendations to empower you to achieve more. ]*U+!M02&"nnIeZT_idN8|ltF`h'>nOpB:Kvrb =W]2>Jj2+UKe}9MYyfP$D%pyY IU}jfgdLvyJj^= gQ g3pYcq(f}Yu#m};hsyShw;U%r0zpr:AU!eM v#YX1J?4 G;+@ZTTMUy7-^QUZ6M6 ce= Help employees achieve more by creating a work environment thats intelligent, flexible, and secure with expert-led services for Employee Experience, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams Phone, and Windows Client. WebWorkspaces Admin Center Services Hub Registration and Roles Sign In and Registration Roles Privileges Customer Activity and Agreements Manage Users Newsletter Management endobj <> Sorry, the email you entered cannot be connected to Microsoft services. Premier Support for enterprises is highly customizable and can provide unlimited incident support for customers who commit to proactive services and in-depth training on Microsoft products Tags: Premier Support Microsoft's Support Offerings February 23, 2015 Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. 1s6x[K9ZD4$f$p s&@Fg]{:Jm|xnV|FY7 htmR!Es01j^j0j~/X=6p?<7b]s]j[-&cw;''Q>\:$)=&{ti5eza &NRx}H $s}+ZFfL)?RL}kd/Q Plus, a 30% TAM fee. Each aspect plays a different role within Services Hub. What we do Outcomes Client experience Grow revenue Manage cost Mitigate risk Operational efficiencies View all outcomes Our expertise Cybersecurity Data and AI Intelligent edge WebProactive Services PA PA Microsoft Teams whichever is greater, can be banked as Proactive Credits; 1 Credit = $100 MSFT Product Group Access Customer Success Account Manager (CSAM) US Cloud "Included" proactive services, client Unified Support contract-specific Chalktalks, Workshops Proactive recommendations appear within a variety of digital experiences on the Services Hub. Below is a PDF list of built-in Proactive Services we provide for various technologies with links to find out more about each one of them. WebMicrosoft Unified Support Built-In Proactive Services List Drive your key technology initiatives forward with recommended proactive support services that accelerate Proactive advisory services, faster response times, and escalation management for business-critical incidents. % Transform your most critical solutions for success in a cloud-first world and maximize your investment. *Pricing rates shown above are valid for Unified contracts starting February 1, 2023 or later. Build modern, no-code websites for your business. The third recommendation service uses a rules engine to provide proactive recommendations. Empower your employees Help employees achieve more by creating a work environment The recommendations found on the Learning page cover learning content types including learning on-demand and workshops. Supplemental Terms 1 Please see Microsoft Cloud Partner Program core benefits for more information. Publisher: Microsoft. hb```f``z ,@Q[=:7600T\X"d9'="p@|Lry@ZEq` For general feedback on the Resource Center or content, please submit your feedback to your Microsoft representative. WebOur end-to-end strategy for Microsoft support can help you navigate the world of Microsoft Premier Support, Microsoft Unified Support, and flexible pay-as-you-go support. The more content is consumed, the more diverse and precise the resulting recommendations will be. On the Support Landing Page, Predictive Proactive recommendations are found below the case trending visualization on the page. h . DOM roadmaps, reports and reference set equip you to make better decisions faster. When customer reactive support cases are evaluated using the rules and a match is found, the mapped proactive services are returned. endobj Support Services Fees. The service that powers the recommendation digital experiences described above is based on a collaborative filtering method. The attached list is from May 2020, update lists should be available from here Bristol City Council unlocks its ability to innovate and sets the stage for true digital transformation. WebPremier Support is now for Partners only. With Thus, our collaborative filtering recommendation system for predictive proactive content makes predictions about which proactive services a user will like using their existing consumption history and the consumption history of similar users (collaborators). Otherwise, register and sign in. The material included in the Catalog is manually searchable using service level, service type, and product filters. Question: How do US Cloud engineers compare to Microsofts? On the Support Detail Page, Predictive Proactive recommendations are found below the case details and case trending visual on the page. WebMicrosoft Confidential Unified Enterprise | Features Personalized support delivered through a mix of reactive, proactive, and in-depth support solutions Foundational services Technical Support (24/7) Expected response times: Critical Sev 1: 15-minutes for Azure*/1-hour for all other products 1-hour Sev A/2-hour Sev B/4-hour Sev C WebMicrosoft Unified Premier Support Proactive Services Enhanced Solutions All Microsoft Microsoft Unified Driving your success with Microsoft technologies. Independent IT Planning Information and Advisory Service, focused exclusively on Microsoft, since 1992. 607 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5BC4373489289A498C8452F34FD2AB6B><021336DAC89FAD4C88ED67FDA9CAE2EB>]/Index[586 41]/Info 585 0 R/Length 106/Prev 156218/Root 587 0 R/Size 627/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream This consumption indicates the user preferences. endobj The collaborative filter is driven based on proactive services consumed. <>/Metadata 1514 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1515 0 R>> Accelerate the responsiveness of your business, improve service levels, and reduce costs using intelligent processes with expert-led services for Migrate and Modernize Infrastructure and Workloads. Page 5 Up to 20% of your Flex Allowance may be applied to the purchase of Proactive Credits or Custom Proactive services. As customers submit new support requests, new recommendations will be made based on the information residing in the new support requests. steps p[2 -^R)>~lfb:; _.! Accelerate the value of your business-critical solutions with proactive engagements that help you eliminate deployment risks, increase availability, and optimize performance. Our vision for proactive recommendations includes: The predictive proactive recommendation engine serves up content from the Microsoft Services Catalog and MS Learn. Update research digest for November 2022. Sorry, the email you entered cannot be used to sign up for trials. 2 Available for an additional fee. WebUnified Support costs increase 10% 12% for every dollar of new M365 and Azure annual spend $110k $220k $550k $330k $440k Annual M365 / Azure Spend$1m $2m $3m $4m $5m6 Tips and Strategies for MSFT negotiations: Credible Threats New, independent 3rd-party alternatives for Microsoft Support are maturing. The recommendations found on the Services Catalog page cover all content types and are personalized for you. 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