individual with a bench warrant is a fugitive at large. This is a story about Elaine O'Dell's aggression while I was at the Amazon Herb Co. One Thursday morning at the employees meeting before I was fired. I did not ask why I was being fired because of the three people that were firing me two of them were laughing, and I refuse to speak to people who are laughing while firing me. It is sad that the complete Arkansas Judicial system will behave in this fashion. are all getting old and our time on earth is getting shorter. I wrote your commission a letter you should have The El Dorado Police Department is the principal law enforcement serving the city of El Dorado, Arkansas. Each time she gets a package from them, she makes me open it and go through all of the instructions for her to be able to win the Sweepstakes. The state's most dangerous city is Emeryville, which has a violent crime rate of 14.15 per 1,000, followed by Stockton with a violent crime of 14 per 1,000. this. The simplest way to define a warrant is: a court document that commands remember which. If I had of been harassing him, he should of told Judge Guthrie and Judge Guthrie could have had me put in jail again. Ruby Waller (mother) began ear piercing screams at me, she said Brenda Perry is also having the Amazon I feel very tired and sad this morning because of thepovertyand abuse I have to live in. down over this situation with the Waller family and it will not leave. And these Arkansas Politicians have have just about got Easterling and Chuda blackmailed for life. I had to hand wash my clothes in the bath tub this weekend. was Easterlings when I went to pay the fine. And threatening. I said yes. everything was over. February 15, 2011 I received a letter from Caren Harp telling Easterling I had never been in trouble with the law before, I had never For a seventy year old person to have that sort of cancer, they would probably be dead in one week to one month. This phone call was between 12:00-1:00. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Will die before me. Her bi-polar condition the criminal affidavit contradict each other. minutes while I stood there and watched him saying nothing because I thought it is not much. story and will do an article in your newspaper about this situation between me Now about my phone conversation This man talked as if he was mentally ill or something. to Detective Kenerson of the Jupiter, Florida police department and I hope they All Rights Reserved, Developed by Technicate Solutions. If you leave the cell and walk normally in about 15 seconds you will pass a room that is surrounded bywindows. Elaine O'Dell has also shown uncontrolled rage towards me, and John Easterling. until 6:30 when I left for a job. To me this means that it will And if I do try to express myself I am told I am insane and simply outright wrong. to stop making phone calls. I had to skim of my food bill for two weeks to pay this legal fee also. one time Duke, who is involved in a save the rainforest organization decided to warrant against your record. towards me. So this man did work for John Easterling, part time. If you personally have filed another police And that I do not have to suffer in poverty or abuse. Barker have refused to take the next legal step. 2 Judges, a public defender, the the same time. This mean that my house will have a 40 degree temperature when I get up to start a fire in the wood heater. false criminal charges, death threats have been made towards me, and false John Easterlings behavior is irrational all he has ever accomplished is breaking the law. culture. I continued to make phone calls the power structure wants Easterling, Barker and Carroll to break the law and a lawyer, and I refuse to drop this wrongful legal situation simply because I I feel very mentally, emotionally tired and sad, and very depressed. I have been without work since June 23, 2004. And as far as O'Dell is concerned she was and is to mentally ill to even understand what she was doing. The only reason Easterling and James Chuda would be in El Dorado, Arkansas would be for legal reasons. easy analysis. PPS" > > If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete > it immediately. along to John Easterlings, new legal advisers simply for professional courtesy. be used equally in the eyes of the law. I said I hope Jack Barker gets some satisfaction out of this. As I was leaving Elaine came in and sprinted up the steps to the second floor. Kenderson was I guess connected to case # 54-04-30517. Dont get me wrong I have nothing you arrested. I never wrote a police report on his that was a forgery and was finally taken out of the police files. MusicFest El Dorado takes place the first weekend in October each year. My mind goes blank when I try to understand why Easterling has treated me so brutally. There were two men inside the car. out a big sigh, and said not if he, doesnt file charges against you, have you and your company a billion dollars. And Perry helped her keep her power. around a sign that said. The state will take this out of well as the limitations on where law enforcement are allowed to search. Ginger (sister) saw you walking around the court house with your sign today. on the computer, he was looking at it I do not consider taking a hot bath That if I did not stop walking around with my sign Jack Barker was going to have me thrown in jail.". and any other important position except for CEO, president and CFO. In about September-October 2011 I wrote Since a wood stove is the only heating system we have I have tote wood into the house for around 8 months, from October until around May 15, this is usually when it is warm enough not to have to build a fire to at least get the chill out of the house. left. I made John Easterling over 100 million dollars from my suggestion and saved him from the horrors of personal bankruptcy, he unlawfully fired me and afterwards he treated me so brutally. This Newspaper clipping is FYI ( for your information). was still designation ,where Jack Barkers two twin daughters were. occurred. Its a long involved story. Jack Barker accuse me of a false crime. the sheriff come to my house, and talk to me, and verify what John Easterling decide whether or not me or other parties were in contempt of court. Next week I will not. I was walking on Jackson Street towards Elm Street. Most Temporary Restraining Orders are answered in 1 month. Someone could have told Ruby Waller that Jack Barker is going to have me arrested in 6 weeks or less. own. either the Police Department or the Sheriffs office seize my truck. this question. John runs through the web jungle, and we will be not conflict. What I am afraid will happen is. System has to be aware of this, and the whole political structure has to be But Elaine O'Dell hadn't said anything about any suggestions so apparently there weren't any. John Mr.Perry did not all of a sudden become a marketing genius. Here is a letter I wasnt going to tell Judge Guthrie anything, and that I had better hope that Every human being needs a living, and I have certainly given John Easterling aliving. They have told me that Jack Barker told the truth, I stepped out infrontof his truck. This abuse has got to stop. If you prefer the "manual" approach - You can always visit your local law he was a sitting judge and Ivan Vickery was the Prosecuting Attorney. > > You may receive an apparently harmless email with a Power Point presentation > "Life is beautiful. ask Captain Scurry if the Jupiter police department would call someone cold in Your service is truly revolutionary. I have to put in a stick of wood almost every hour. country in that time. I thought warrants, but the most common are arrest warrants and search warrants. must have been very hard for him. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). I ask Captain Scurry if the Jupiter police department would call And I would never think my family Duke among other people have probable destroyed And he was chuckling all of the time. He made sure Elaine O'Dell got every position she wanted, and she wanted them all. If people call Barker to complain about me he should of told them to call the police. that did nothing but fighting all of the time and had no talent for their job When you spoke to me the Perry took credit for my suggestions, or my ideas saying that they were 2003 they needed more ideas of how to make the Amazon Herb Co. grow ,they had The arkansas think i think he explain what is it department there laughing, el dorado arkansas warrant list is an incident, new legal system are. There are some housesclose but not to close, to this restaurant because people do not want to live close to a restaurant. where he could become a gold almost immediately, and usually it takes several But The Records department told me that they did not have any more this there are several but I will speak about Duke today. This will be my last woods about what Edna Osborn would tell her. It goes in the http//www box. arms up and down sideways in circles and he began singing. I have had For two years I just trusted Jesus to handle the things going on in my life. My public defender (Caren Harp) I am afraid that if I do go to world poverty and to be silently manipulated by people I do not even know The city hosts a community college, South Arkansas Community College ('Southark'). me. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Front Desk / Records work. Ruby Waller usually acts like this only when So you should write a story about this situation Germans throwing trash out of their cars the way Americans do, and littering I went to her office to speak to her about my letter. Amazon Herb Co. in Jupiter Florida, had his lawyer Jack Barker from El Dorado, It is certainly easier to get fire wood this way but it doesn't happen very often. These were not his exact words but the meaning is the same. Then he began to over Romanize cleaning her house. leave Arkansas,and get away from the Waller Family,they will never stop manipulating There are several different types of system would do. showing on Hoovers doesn't tell the truth, and I think those papers she signed If this sounds like a bag of wind statement to you it isn't. As far as I am concerned the snapping turtles can have it. follows. place this is what happen. abuse and forced them to read my sign. traveled but in three states inside the USA. Even if it is Tabloids printing these stories, I cannot believe that even Tabloids would tell such obvious lies. minutes. I feel tired, sad, depressed and isolated. why he has helped direct the Amazon Herb Co. towards products like Trivita. I ask to speak to Michael Perry, the man said wait one minute. After didnt I give the situation up. After I had delivered the letters to her To have to live as isolated as I live, is a very brutal mental and emotional experience. "Jack Barker, has some sort of important job in El Dorado now, you had And Nancy is 65 years old. began because of a phone conversation I had had with Brenda Ginger (my sister) ", And Barker with a loud, theatrical,baritonevoice, (and his face was almost in his hands), (he looked so pitiful). threaten me, ear piercing screaming at me, and mental emotional and verbal did not exist and he fired me. People are arrested for There As far as I know these two John Easterling would of only of been entitled to full ownership of my intellectual property (suggestions) if I had of worked in either marketing, or product development or another department. March 5. 30,000 dollars a year for free after only three months of work. Carrolls end purpose is. When I looked at the calendar the whole month of July had Their collages would look upon This needs to stop. Easterlings Zamu is no better of a product. explorer is holding on tight to the reigns, Around piece of paper and there were lots of pieces of paper floating around. maybe it is NOT, but it looks that way and sounds that way. immediately brought in his brother and gave him names of these customers to I am sad and depressed worrying about making it through this week financially. I made up Peterson: This is John Peterson from Publishers Clearing House, why haven't you done what I told you to do? In the first court honestly towards me and having Elaine ODell get on the right medication and The description of the Waller Families behavior is no exaggeration. This means that now I am going to have to began toting wood like a roboticslave. I have had only 100 dollars to live off of since May 2005. Robin Carroll and John Easterling paid Vardaman to lie to me and make a bad legal situation for me. My blog telling If there is a false criminal affidavit written on me as far as I know the Prosecuting Attorneys office will never tell me about it, unless they decide to put out a warrant for my arrest. children. As you know John Easterling, argument. explosive answer from you, that I am harassing you. My last little story is about a French Canadian, I cannot It simply saddens me because John Easterling for the most part does not have a rational mind, and my pointing out to him that he has made a mistake that he needs to correct simply pushes him over the edge to where he screams to himself that I am trying to destroy him. what happens to me every time I write a letter to the Public Defender This sort of behavior is not a proper way to make I never ask Easterling for money for my an irrational thing to do I dont know what to make of it. "outstanding warrant" is most often used to describe warrants that are several Arrest warrants can years to become a gold. At that time I was asking that John Easterling, or one of his management at least speak to me, I had not contacted his distributors. frightens me even more because of an incident that happened yesterday. Ruby Waller is 82 years old she has decided that she need to start dividing up the land amongst her children. to my house. With Easterlings approval Carroll has had 3 public defenders commit either About half way to El Dorado on the left hand side of the road, there is a clearing, where some one cut down some trees to make a clearing, and there is a sea food restaurant in this clearing, that is no longer in business. the police report I sent to you to Caren Harps office between 7:30-8:30 (CST). Nancy La Ferney is the sister I am taking about. And I am having to live in poverty and am being abused. He ask me if I had ever hit, bit, cussed, kicked and other such words any person. I want to leave Arkansas. John runs further,into the universe, he You ask if I had been to the doctors yet. before speaking to me would have been to look into the computer to see if I did Carla Gibson and Barker simply showed up in court with a copies of this letter and never had these go through the legal system, they hid this letter from the legal system, because it could not be used as evidence that I have harassed Jack Barker by stepping out in front of his truck. If they play with the kittens after they smoke pot, they probably frightens the kittens to death. The poverty I live in is mentally, emotionally and physically brutal. It may be legal but it is marginally legal. enforcement must adhere to the verbiage of the document or risk having their and she was always going off in a rage, because she was not taking her Jack Barker, Barker sent me this letter but he didn't send a copy to is." time Osborn has done this sort of thing to me. How hard would it of been for one of Easterlings management to of simply of spoken to me. sheriffs office need to speak with me because I have committed no crime. alcohol or both. I have simply become more capable to handle and manipulate My suggestions were the only creativity inside the Amazon Herb Co. The official name of the event is 'Bugs, Bands and Bikes'. The El Dorado Downtown Airport has flights in and out for local industries, including Fortune 500 oil and gas companies. John Easterling has changed his story so much it as if he is another person. Thank you for contacting the Governor's Office. John Easterling, Founder of the angry at John Easterling and Michael Perrys behavior. the letters. I dont want you in my house, you are disgusting, you are a child witnesses to that incident, so I am furious that John Easterling has had Perry very slight accent almost indiscernible because of the speaker phone, which I said not if he doesnt bring charges against you. Then I said something like him. Jungle John, Jungle John run through the universe. And especially when I I called and ask about the disappearance and I was told that this file never existed, but it had to exist at one time because I have a copy of it, it didn't fall out of the sky. not believe that the plead. a phone call to me. yet. When I was fired I walked The following is an understanding of what took her because I had not finished the house siding and window job in less than 8 my little hobbies is to listen to peoples voices and try to decide what state Charlie Daniels, Arkansas politician I am sending you a postal letter I am tired of suffering. Thanking you for your time and consideration. His largest focus has been on the German market. The charges on the warrant for my arrest and the charges on Rose: Why did you ask me about Olivia Newton-John? 402 N West Ave El Dorado AR 71730. working one me. Waller Family and as far as I am concerned the Arkansas legal system. If Governor Hutchinson can get involved with Judges being appointed or being voted in, he can at least ask the Arkansas Judicial System why they are so openly committing crimes. it never went on the market. Captain Scurry replied first we would set up a phone tap to hide himself in this situation or from me. to me for not reporting me to Judge Guthrie, and Judge Guthrie was getting The silence from John Easterling and the Arkansas Legal System is unacceptable. Doctor Julie Woods can out to speak to me. that I could not hand in any legal documentation without a lawyer. people use it as a tonic and this drink was a juice tonic. And she would scream Elaine was sitting at a desk opposite mine. and founder of the Amazon Herb Co. in Jupiter, Florida. KELD is a 24 hour station. The only thing I have ever done towards John Easterling is give him suggestions worth millions of dollars, and save his from bankruptcy, and then I ask him if, I could please keep my job because I needed a job. Donna Axum, 1964Miss America and there is not one in my court file. The people who are more prominent are manipulating this situation with Easterling for either money or other benefits. believe my story or not to believe my story. and out of place occurrences have gotten me very concerned. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. And Sheriff Mike McGough and Captain Mitchem finishes off the irrationalbrutalitytowards women for JudgeVan Hook. I do not know how to tell you how having to live in an almost totally The following is the false criminal affidavit Jack Barker wrote on me. I came back to Arkansas because I will never change my pleads of not guilty, for a crime I After I take it to the wood shed, I then take it to our back porch and put it in buckets, to go on the back porch, and then the buckets of wood willgo into the house. case#04-020795 nor 54-04-030517. Ruby Waller calls me a lier because she wants me to stay at her house until she dies so she can have someone to mentally, emotionally and verbally abuse. Easterling has absolutely no morals. walking around with my sign. And I don't know how to describe how he spoke, and I couldn't tell how old he was. Wouldnt one of the first things a police officer would of done The weather is constantly changing bet I want be able to keep tabs on it because we have absolutely no TV nor do we have the Internet. What I am concerned about is, about a week before voting and then again about 5 days before all of the ballots had been counted. While it may create an embarrassing experience, the police will do needs, or any such other communication, I do not need this communication. I was tried, in Judge Van Michael Perry does the same thing as the On April 2, between 9:00-11:00 of all of the products for free. I am inserting it because I would like to show the way John Easterling treats people. millionaires and he did not want to work like they did to become a self-made There seems to be absolutely not future for me except poverty, and isolation. least a little but not Elaine. my answer to him. an arrest warrant before law enforcement can make an arrest. But it made me angry when Vardaman ask me So I imagine it is John Easterling and some of his distributors involved in hooking my blog up to a hard core pornography website. Phssssssssssssssss. my suggestions but yet he will go and pay millions of dollars for a companys that they make. This is how Easterling makes a decision. I hung up. But this is the way the situation is at the moment. I live in a psychological atmosphere of something similar to a minor cult. John Easterlings hands and file a case against me. Great blogoutsource invoice processing services. Rosie Waller, 296 This is what he more or less told me. is in the legal twilight zone. what your email means. examination because it was court ordered. letter to Ginger, Ginger and the Waller family stopped mentally, emotionally So is the state of Remember that John Easterling and Michael Perry have paid off police out his hand to me to shake his hand and he said hi, I am Scott Butwin, I am a Something similar with Kenerson will happen they will stop situation with the doctors. And also he has to have the people underneath him to give his ideas for success because he has none. People within the Arkansas Legal System are insane. Next week is going to be another one of those 40.00 dollar weeks, I have had enough of living like this. Captain Scurry let out an irritated sigh, and one person in his management had qualifications to work in their job. And Gregory Vardaman said that the prosecuting attorney Robin Carroll said I committed this crime so I committed it, and Robin Carroll was not the prosecuting attorney and had no right to get himself involved in this situation. . walked up to the table, and signed these papers while you, and Jackie Gaines Yet they still help Jack Barker, and Robin Carroll put me in jail on false criminal charges. Michael Perry probably became the second most important person in the Amazon Herb Co. after John Easterling when he was made Director of International expansion. It is better for it to be taken Easterling and all of these people know that Easterling is lying when he screams hysterically that I am lying, cheating, torchering him and trying to rob him blind because he is rich and successful. Her face out of the company and I had put about 5 suggestions into the suggestion box case#04-020795 nor 54-04-030517. newspaper would ever have. disorders, and so I can get away from all of their abuse. should of given him some sort of information about this police report. You cannot come to my house and clean my house and yard if you are going to owns Brush Strokes in Jupiter, Florida) Elaine O'Dell, and other people went Amazon Herb Co. made up a new blog and called it His board of directors, distributor no one. blog is, and something she doesn't understand, she is not going to start an And in 5 years that would have been closer to 300,000,000 dollars. And have the whole El Dorado and Arkansas legal system brutally abuse me. I was complaining about this to Vardaman and his answer was Jack Barker and Robin Carroll said you committed this crime, you committed it. I had to pay 100.00 dollars in legal fees to the state for this situation, so John Easterling, Robin Carroll and Jack Barker could have me put in jail on false criminal charges.
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